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ACTOR GEORGE VREELAND HILL - 12/11/00 03:08:26
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/beverlyhills/index.html
My Email:ghill@conknet.com
Your favorite Tori site: This!
Ideas: Keep up the GREAT work!

Thank you for a very nice site! This is just super!! George Vreeland Hill

Lauren - 04/24/00 21:00:08
My Email:laurcap@aol.com

Hi, my name is Lauren and I run a 90210 business along with another person selling the 90210 series. Our prices are as follows: $200.00=entire series $25.00=6 episodes per tape! $20.00=2 episodes per tape! E-mail me at: LaurCap@aol.com if interested

Lauren - 03/16/00 23:13:49
My Email:laurcap@aol.com

Hi my name is Lauren and I run a 90210 business a long with a friend of mine. We sell the entire series of 90210, or episodes of your choice. The latest edition to our business is the 90210 christmas special hosted by Tori Spelling along with another 9021 special. All together, $20.00 If interested, e-mail me at: laurcap@aol.com

melly - 12/27/99 23:41:57
Your favorite Tori site: this one

Please get in touch with me, Donovan. Let me know you're still alive. I haven't heard from you since you left.

tantaropoulos M.M. - 09/28/99 13:33:23
Your favorite Tori site: Official
Ideas: Why no video of Tori Spelling?


- 09/28/99 13:32:12


- 08/25/99 23:24:29


Alli - 08/25/99 17:36:14
My Email:Alli984@aol.com
Your favorite Tori site: this one
Ideas: don't know

i love this site it is really cool, just don't forget TOri was also on Blossom.

Marcel - 08/13/99 17:43:30
My Email:insiders@telusplanet.net

After reading the article of Tori (US August 1999 by Erik Hedegaard)I find disheartining that Tori can't seem to find love, and tends to appologize for the way she looks and is. Maybe if she were to look for people outside the film industry, to go out and find a man that is disassociated with the industry she could very well find the love of her life. There are some very wonderfull people out here that don't put money ahead of happiness. Life is just to short to have to apologize for being YOU. Good luck TORI" in finding your way.

Callie David - 08/13/99 02:13:08
My Email:90210@writeme.com
Your favorite Tori site: all of them

I love Tori Spelling in 90210. It's my favorite show and she's my favorite actress. I never miss an episode! If anyone wants to write me and talk about her fill free!! Also thanks to the owner of this site.

Lauren - 08/03/99 02:49:43
My Email:laurcap@aol.com
Ideas: hmm..

Tori Spelling is one of the cutest actresses I've ever seen and she's climbed her way to the top of the success ladder. I admire her and how well she deals with all the bashing and tabloid trash. Her new movie Trick is also reviewed to be really good. Als , she has increased her talents on 90210 alot, even when she started out she was good. She may be daddy's girl, but she would of made it even without her father.

Tori is UgLy - 07/12/99 11:32:25
My URL:http://www.ugly-tori.com
My Email:tori@is.ugly.com
Your favorite Tori site: Tori is UgLy
Ideas: Tori is UgLy

Tori is UgLy Hell yeah!

Juhani L - 06/09/99 04:55:16
My Email:Juhanistudio@Hotmail.com
Your favorite Tori site: This one is Great

I've been a *Tori Spelling Fan for many years, She's Beautiful,Talented,and Charming,and no matter how negative the media gets,she will.. overcome the cheap Hollywood tabloid's..one day. I Want' To Wish Her,All The Best Always.. Love Juhani

Glenn - 05/27/99 20:33:36
My Email:curiousexplorer@excite.com
Ideas: "........haven't had one for years." ......... How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying

Frankly, I have never had a thought about Tori. I visited here after chatting a bit with you. (I'm the old guy from DC.) I'm most impressed with your creativity here and obviously the other things that seems to draw people to you. Nice to see comments like "the nicest etc." Keep it up. Good luck.

Timothy Sutterby - 05/25/99 15:34:17
My Email:t_sutterby@hotmail.com
Your favorite Tori site: this one
Ideas: non

I like your site baby. I think it is cool. *kiss*

Meloduy Moore - 04/21/99 01:49:34
My Email:MelNC2@webtv.net
Your favorite Tori site: This is by far the best!!

Hey, Baby!! You are doing a really good job at what you are doing. Keep up the good work. Melody is doing a really great job as well!!! Luv ya. Stay safe

Anonomus - 03/14/99 13:26:45
Your favorite Tori site: This by far

I've been to other sites on Tori and your's is the best. It's well written, well thought out, and it honors Tori nicely. If Tori visits this page I hope she e-mails you and tell's you how flattered she is. Keep up the good work fellow Tori lover!

boy_1_1999 - 02/18/99 07:13:40
My Email:boy1@yahoo.com
Your favorite Tori site: this one

The guy responsible for creating this webpage is absolutly one of the nicest online friends i have met. Tori if you see this webpage you will be most impressed. Keep up the fantastic work!

deb - 02/11/99 09:55:48
Your favorite Tori site: yours, dollface!
Ideas: kiss me!

i love your page sweetie! and you too! candy perfume boyfriend you da bomb bay-bee!!!!

Kimmy - 01/19/99 18:29:07
My Email:dark_angel@buffymail.com
Your favorite Tori site: yours of course!!!!
Ideas: geez...I dunno....soundclips maybe??

Hey sweetie!!! Just got the addy from you and I luv the way it looks!!! It's so cool!!! Now if I can start feelin' better maybe I can come over and we can work on my page!!! *HUGS* to you and yours!!!! Blessed Be!!

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