The Plan of SalvationTranslate


In the world today, we are all striving for peace. World peace, peace in our streets, and peace in our schools. Only one way can we achieve this peace in every aspect of our lives, and that is through Jesus Christ. It is a simple and known fact that we are going to die. When and where is not known. Before you die you have many choices. Houses, cars, college, etc. The decision you are about to read about is the most important one you can make. It determines the outcome for your life after death. If you stumbled onto this page by mistake, or if you think that this is some lunatic writing about spiritualism or magic, take a moment to read through this page. I believe it will suprise you.

The Basis for this Page

The basis for this entire page is scripture, history, and personal testimony. Many find it hard to believe that Jesus Christ lived and breathed on this earth because they never saw him. Yet there is historical as well as biblical documentation that states he existed just as much as Abe Lincoln or George Washington did. The Bible has stood the test of time, scholars, and evil men. Time & time again it has been disected word for word and it still rings out as true. If there was even a minor flaw somewhere in the scriptures, someone out to disprove the bible would have made it known by now. I have also added my personal testimony and experiences to this page, but not my opinions. I feel I need to let you know how this great decision has made my life better. It is pointless to put words and information together without relaying what this has done for me. For those who claim that you need to have an "open-mind" about everything, I now ask you to open your life up to the gospel of Jesus Christ...

The Plan of Salvation

Salvation can be received by repenting for your sins, believing that Christ died for your sins, and receiving Christ as your personal savior. In this world, salvation can be obtained only through Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:12). He alone is our Saviour. There is no salvation through any person other than Him.

The Bible states: "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23) Being that ALL have sinned, ALL need to seek forgiveness and repent for your sins (Ezek 18:30) A sin is any act that is against God's will for your life. As you study God's word and spend time in prayer, you begin to realize that God has a plan for your life. Anything you do outside of God's plan is considered a sin. The Bible also states: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23)

In the Bible we also see that famous John 3:16. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. Whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." This verse is simply stating that you must believe in Jesus Christ and that he was sent to earth to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Without a belief in God, there is no Salvation. "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9)

The final thing Christ asks of us is to receive him as our personal savior. This is the topic most people have difficulty with. This is the one that sets us apart. Even the demons and Satan himself believe in Christ & God, for they were there when he was killed. It is not just enough to believe. You must turn your life over to Christ and receive him as your savior. Most people are scared to turn their life over to someone else. Not to mention someone they have never met or cannot see. They are afraid of having to give up things that they enjoy doing. Doing so requires a great deal of faith. After you receive Christ, he will make known to you the direction he wants your life to go, and what things are considered "sin" that you should stop doing. Christianity is not about religeon, rules, & punishment... It's about life. A life far greater than you could ever imagine.

You will still have problems & daily struggles. This is not the "instant happiness" or "end to all pain" decision. But you will have comfort in eternal secruity. I am faced daily with worldly problems, I just approach these problems differently now. You will also now have God to talk to and help you through your everyday problems. I've witnessed a young mother with a terminally ill little girl (3 weeks old) being told that her baby was not going to live more than one day. A group of three of us prayed with her, and miraculousy she was healed by the next morning. Growing up in the church, I have heard stories like these over and over again, never giving them a second thought. I always credited these things with coincidence. After you experience something like that, you personally realize what it really means and the power that God has. God is very real and very much alive in our society. Many have chosen to shut him out or even shout blasphemies towards him, but he is and always will be there.

To find out more about what you've just read, contact your local Christian Bible believing Church, and speak with a minister. Join and get involved so that you can maintain fellowship with other believers. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me through the email address at the bottom of this page.

God Bless.

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