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I finally got The spirit Award!! Yahooooooo!!!!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
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Sarina gave me a Spirit Flower!!

Another Spirit Award!! Yahooooooo!!!! Only now our whole team won it!!!

I got this award from Mike Turner in My 4th Period Web Page Production Class!! To Visit his page, Click on the award.

You've been dusted by
Wee One Hydee

I've come to see your happy site
And dragon-dust with all my might,
With joy and hope through rich or poor
And Spirit worth a thousand more.

In hope and joy it may all seem
Too hard to bear, too tough to dream
But let me tell you, face to face,
Spirit makes the world a better place.

So Shout It Out, let the whole world hear
Just how high your Spirits are.
Take this wand, spread the joy
To every girl and every boy.

I thank you for your kind good will
That let me dust with ink and quill,
But now must leave to cheer some more,
Hope I've not been a terrible bore ;)

What a sweet fairy to give me that!!!

Got This award for supporting Dragonfyre through the Site Fights!

This one too!!!!

Past Member of...

A team long since gone but never Forgot!!

I got this spirit award from The Crusaders. Man, I miss that team!!

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Shivan Raptor

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Site Fights Spirit Counter

All I have to say about the dragons for those of you who don't know them, They are a dedicated team. They look out for each and everyone of us in trouble, in need, in joy, which ever the case may be. I was a Darksbane Dragon for a little over a year and you can't find a more caring and respectful and FAIR team anywhere else!! All headed up by our head Dragon, Sarina. Join me in saying good job on founding this team!! Sarina you can even have my Crusaders spirit award. You deserve it more!! Join the team!!! And become one of The Darksbane Dragons!!!

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