Lyrics Central

-your lyrics supersource


IMPORTANT: If you have any lyrics or Karaoke Files, please E-Mail them to me. This site relys on donations from you.


What letter does the song start with?



A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z





Well here is the problem: I have only played the Karaoke files on a macintosh before. They are saved as Quicktime™ files, but they only work properly with Quicktime™ 2.5. And Quicktime™ 2.5 is only out for macintosh right now. So unzip the files and see if there is ANY way you can make them work. If you make them work, E-Mail me.

THE FILES: The karaoke files and lyrics files are in the same place. Just select the karaoke file to download, instead of the lyrics.


Write to me!!! Under "subject" write "WEB". Or, go back to the front door. Or the MODERN MUSIC center.