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Last update--November 12, 2003: Completed "Splitting Headache" at the Bowie page!

Welcome to the secret world of...

Kristin's Daydreams

Welcome to my little spot on the Web! Featured her are articles and stories I wrote based on my favorite TV shows, video games, and music. Come in and leave your cynicism at the door.

A section dedicated to my favorite musician, David Bowie! Featured is a all-new ongoing fanfic and a parody page.

Do you like "The Simpsons"? Do you watch every single episode religeously? Do you wonder why it never gets nominated for an Emmy of Golden Globe? If you said "yes" to any of these questions, check out my Simpsons article! Even if you're not a fan, or if you've never heard of "The Simpsons", read this article and BELIEVE!

Also featured here is an article I wrote on Final Fantasy III, the RPG for SNES. It focuses on Terra and her mixed heritage, and how it relates to the real world.Come take a look!

Come witness my weird fascination with the campy cult hit, the Power Rangers! Here you will find a collection of fanfics written by yours truly, as well as song lyrics that remind the fans of the show (sort of like a fantasy soundtrack.)

© 1999 Questions? Comments? Write me!

Congratulations! You're the th daydreamer to wander in here. Just make sure you wiped your feet.

The counter is still off, but who cares? :)

"MMPR" copywright of Saban Entertainment
"The Simpsons" copywright of Gracie Films
"Final Fantasy III" copywright of Squaresoft

All are not used with permission. This is strictly for entertainment only and not for profit.

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