Ever since I started to do the weekly RAW IS WAR pictures back in May, the fan email has increased, and the hits have as well. Now, a big thing that I get emails about is people wanting to use one or all or some of my RIW pics for one thing or another. Depending on what it is, I usually say yes, basically because I like to try and be a nice guy. Although, don't get me wrong, I don't give two flying rat's asses what you people think of me. I do this because I want to, not to make friends. Anyway, if the person emailing me is linking me or something in return, I ususally give permission. And I don't mind too much, as long as you ask me. What pisses me off though, is when someone emails me and actually COMPLAINS about the pictures. I can't stand it when some asshole tells me I didn't get the right shot, or I should have more pictures of some certain person. Hell, I've even gotten emails cussing at me for not removing the censors from the DX flashers. By the way, that makes no sense anyway. How am I supposed to take off the censors? Don't get me wrong here, most of the emails are positive, but the negative ones are REALLY negative. Mostly I get people whining at me that I don't get enough or the right shot of Sable. So I'll address that right now. As far as Sable goes, I do usually get a few shots of her every time she's on, because I know some of you are really just big time pervs [ :-) ] and can't stand to go a week without your fill of t&a. However, Sable doesn't appeal to me that much (I didn't say she is ugly, so don't email me calling me crazy) and I go by the wrestlers or personalities that I like the most when I am snapping RIW pics. You surely have noticed that the people that get the most coverage in the RIW and SNH images are also the people that have their own galleries. And if you can't figure that one out, I can't help you. My head hurts.
Alright, enough of that. Another widely talked about/asked about section is the Entrance Themes. I actually get people telling me that they can't get it to work. And maybe this is cruel, but I just don't give a damn. It's not my problem if you can't read. It says on the page itself that you HAVE TO HAVE Real Player to hear the themes, the latest version. And it's just stupidity on someone's part when they email me and bitch about it. I can't go out and download Real Player for you, and I wouldn't if I could. Keep in mind, I do this site because I want to, not for your approval or anything else, so if I want to put a big banner that says "Steve Austin sucks" at the top of my page, I will. Not that I'd do that, because I like Austin, but you know what I mean. I feel a headache coming on.
Now am I assuming too much here, or do most of you out there have at least a fourth grade education? You do? I thought so. Then there's just no excuse for some of the crap that flows into my email box. People that type in all caps, or all lower case, or mispell everything. Hey, I mispell something every now and then, but I damn well don't mispell every word in my emails. Maybe some of you are just too damn lazy to correct your errors, I don't know, but it really is irritating. And you wait and see, now that I've typed that, there's going to be some jerk(s) emailing me like that just to irritate me. The headache is growing.
The guestbook, that problem has slowed down, but I used to get lots of people leaving obscense things in there or disrespectful things in there. There's been everything from people asking for nude pictures of women, to people swearing at me for doing one thing or another, to all of the compliments. Let me "Break It Down" here...it's really simple. I have a Guestbook Editor, no matter what someone says or does in it, I can go delete it within seconds of seeing it. Why waste your time and effort to write something you know is going to get deleted? Yeah, that's a headache.
The voting poll, I've curred that little problem, but man, that was a big one before I got that free poll. When I used to hand count those S.O.B.s, I would try and keep track of who had voted based on IP numbers, and there were so many assholes out there that sent in their vote 50 times in a row, that I got sick and tired of it finally last month when it got the worst. I don't know what caused it, but that conspiracy question really brought out the cheaters in some people. Now I've got that other poll that monitors itself, and you notice that there's just over 200 votes each month instead of 300-500 each month. If that doesn't just tell you something right there, then you really need your head examined.
Well, now that I have thorowly pissed off a lot of you, I'll make it easy for you, thewarz@swbell.net. Gees, I've got to go take some asprin.
That's it for this round....until next time....Rest In Peace! Or BURN IN HELL! Take your pick!