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Aiyo Freak
Get Yo Hand out My Pocket

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You Are Being Monitored.....© 1997, Marty Fancher/KeyTrax Productions Inc.

Bow Down When You Come To My Town

Click here to see some cool links~~~> [***Beauitiful Black Woman***]
[**Roderick Just Chillin**] [**Me and the Fellas**] [**Hittin the Slopes**]

The Wall of Fame

I just want to thank God for giving me another opportunity to see another day, and for blessing me with the opportunity to make it through school, and giving me a job, etc.
He's been so good to me that I just can't tell it all.

To all my peeps, LaShundra, AJ, Bink, Kim, Boo, Moms, Janice, Jani, Shay, Shay Jr., Tron......Wasuuupppp!!!

To all my chat buddies......ChocolateMami, Deja, TK_Love98, Mr. & Mrs. Moe-4-ever, DanePimpin, Mr.GodFatherSorrow, Pure_Flava, Phlawless, The whole GPF, and TPC family, and the rest of the regs who be at the spot......MUCH LOVE.

Then last, but not all the jealous, sucka butt children who be trying to front, and act like computer gangsters......All I have to say is....
Don't hate the Playa...Hate the Game


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