Last  10-04-99
Welcome to Vijayakanth`s unofficial home page.
"Tamilan enru sollada talai nimirnthu nillada"
vijayakanth & Simran in Kannupada poguthaiya

Vijayakanth.. A name that holds say over thousands in TamilNadu. The uncrowned one of the king in Tamil Cinema.
So, Welcome all fans, to this home page. And having come this far, don't stop. See why I am a Vijayakanth fan.... and who knows, maybe you'll become one too.. Now that you've meet Vijayakanth, why not have a look at the movies that he's done ever since he appeared in "Thurathu idimulakkam"? So here is the long awaited
### Lakshmi Movie Makers' "Unnai thedi " is directed by C.Sundar. The director is about to direct one more film for the same
association. The hero role is given to Vijayakanth. The film getting ready is a comedy film.
### Vikraman is now directing a movie with Vijakanth as hero, for which the music director is S.A.Rajkumar
### Aabavaanan has given super hit films like "Oomai vizhigal". Many of his films went flop continuosly, for which he is very much vexed. Vijayakanth has now given him a call sheet. Aabavaanan himself is directing this film.
.*** Vijayakanth is booked in a movie which is directed by Vikaraman. He is even acting in the film, which is been directed by Eashwaran, who was assisting R.K.Selvamani. The film is "Simmasanam".  This is produced by Ravuthar films.
xnu neuj;jpy; eof;Fk; ehd;F gl';fspYk; tpj;jpahrkhd  bfl;lg;gpy; njhd;Wfpwhh; tp$afhe;j;. v!;.V. re;jpunrfud; ,af;fj;jpy; eof;Fk; …bghpaz:zh†tpy;/ me;j Cnu bja;tkhfg; nghw;wp tz';ff;Toa bghpa kdpjuhf tajhd njhw;wk;.  mLj;J tpf;ukd; iluf;#dpy; eof;Fk; …thdj;ijg; nghy...† glj;jpy;/ mz:zd;-jk;gpahf khWgl;l njhw;wk;. mnj neuk; ghujpfnz#: ,af;fj;jpy; eof;Fk; …fz:qgl nghFja;ah†  glj;jpy;/ je;ij-kfdhf tpj;jpahrkhd bfl;lg;. ,e;j \d;W  gl';fis Koj;jt[lnd Muk;gpf;fg;gltpUf;Fk; …rpk;khrdk; glj;jpy;/ fhkuh$h; nghy xU njhw;wk;-\g;gdhh; nghy xU njhw;wk;

 ……,dpnk ehd; eof;fpw xt;bthU glj;Jya[k; vd; njhw;wk; tpj;jpahrkh ,Uf;Fk;. Kjd;Kiwah tpf;ukd; iluf;#d;ya[k;/ r{g;gh; Fl; gpypk;!; jahhpg;g[ya[k; eof;fpnwd;. vd;ndhl urpfh;fSf;F ,e;j gl';f vy;yhk; xU khWjyhd glkh ,Uf;Fk;†† vd;W brhd;dhh; tp$afhe;j;. (,g;g vy;yhUf;Fk; re;njh#e;jhnd>)

* bly;ypapy; tp$afhe;j;-#py;gh 
* khWgl;l njhw;wj;jpy; tp$afhe;j; fjhehafdhf eof;Fk; …bghpaz:zh† 
* tp$afhe;Jld; tpf;ukd; ,iza[k; Kjy; glk; …thdj;ijg;nghy...† 
* fz;q glg;nghFja;ah.. ,jpy; je;ij/ kfd; vd khWgl;l ,U ntlj;jpy;  
  tp$afhe;j; eof;fpwhh;. 
* fWg;g[ epwj;Jf;F tUj;jg;gl;lJz;lh> -tp$afhe;j; ngl;o 
* tp$afhe;jpd; …eog;;g[ rhfr';fs; epiwe;j kz:q tPuk; bts";r kz;q 
Stills From Veeram Vizhaincha Mann
*  Stills From  
tpj;jpahrkhd fjhghj;jpubkhd;wpy; tp$afhe;j. 
25 ViH n$hofSf;F ,ytr jpUkzk; bra;J  
vijykanftf rcikafm[fbmf caafpilf 25 EjaFkQkfK ;lvc  
  tiRm] viza nAdepbfbT.
The Hero of the Masses 
Dharma delay... why? 
`Gentleman film international` K.T.Kunjumon has signed Vijayakanth to play the lead for his next Tamil movie.
Movie list Leading ladies & movies
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Forthcoming releases Stills from Dharma 
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