My test page for my studying

this is a test. This is a test for my web page studying in order to get a better job for my studying that I have worked hard for.

this is the second paragraph with no spaces inbetween paragraphs for I have put a P indicator.

BR! This is another paragraph. This paragraph is showing me an enter and then a P pragraph indicator and then another enter and the next paragraph.

this is the other paragraph to the instructions I have given myself/notes to myself/helpful hits and experimentation.

As you can see there aren't any differences.

This is a paragraph with a bunch of enters and then a p.

This is the other part. As you can see, no matter howmany times I put P paragraph indicators, I am getting a single entered line.

I have placed comments beneath this line

I am sure it has given me a single entered line after I placed a paragraph indicator after that line up there. I placed on before the comments(two lines) and after and then this line. Did it make a difference?

<-- This is a messy comment --> That is a messy comment without a '!' after --.

this comment has too many dashes(three)

No matter howmany dashes you put, its still going to be a hidden comment.