Hello you have reached the Sonic Guest Book

12/28/99 21:09:47
Name: Pooh
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

you did good I still like Daves better Hope you had fun in Florida

11/30/99 05:55:42
Name: Usagi the Hedgehog, Sailor Senshi of Mobius My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Sailor Moon, occasionall sonic (the dic version of both stinks) Movies: SailorMoonR, SailorMoonS, SailorMoonSuperS,

Cool site, but I'm not very fond of sonic because my cousin plays sonic (the first one which I find very primitive) at 4:00am screaming, "daddy, can you help me pass green hill zone act 1?" I was also playing sonic3 and when i got into the special stage a d it started spinning around, he threw up...and he's 18! No, I don't hate sonic, I hate my cousin. Sailor Moon rules! Sonic too!

11/26/99 17:27:23
Name: Jennifer My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Pokemon,Sailor moon,Sonic the Hedgehog Movies: Mewtwo Strikes Back,Sonic the Hedgehog:the movie,Sailor moon the movie Shows: Friends,Buffy the Vanpire Slayer
Conventions: Comics,books,pokemon...Ash Musicals: U2,Joshua tree Role Playing: Sally Acorn

Konnichiwa! I am Jennifer Wisniewski and I wish everyone a merry christmas. Umm... if ANYONE has seen or know where to buy the Sonic The Hedgehog movie, please tell me. I'd like to know what happens! And is it available only on DVD? Thanx -Jenna

11/23/99 03:24:55
Name: Rochsonic My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Sonic, DragonballZ, Ronin Wariors, Pokemon
Movies: The Pokemon Movie: Mew-Two Strikes Back Shows: Lots

I like your site it's real neat & it has great music!

11/02/99 12:50:30
Name: Judy Hancz
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


08/14/99 20:00:50
Name: shannon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: scooby doo Movies: something about mary Shows: friends & that 70's show
Musicals: grease

just wanted to say hi

08/14/99 19:55:25
My URL: Visit Me


08/09/99 21:53:47
Name: Arkaine Vendaro My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: DBZ, Reboot, Pokémon Movies: Star Wars, too many others Shows: RealTV
Role Playing: unknown names

We have all the great technology here at Aranok and we watch all of the great things that go on at earth. WE APRECIATE SONIC AND HIS FRIENDS, EN TARO ADUN YOU ALL!

07/24/99 17:58:47
Name: jeremy blanchard My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: cable

way-past cool

07/16/99 22:51:41
Name: Eddie & Shadow My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: we are Movies: we arnt Shows: yewsers
Conventions: ymca Musicals: southpars Role Playing: helen & jack


06/29/99 07:26:43
Name: SoNick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: ??? Movies: ??? Shows: ???
Conventions: ??? Musicals: ??? Role Playing: ???

This is a Cool Site but you need to change the Music A Bit

05/07/99 00:08:27
Name: Jason Reed
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I think this is pretty cool!

04/22/99 17:00:25
Name: Kevin Pritchard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: BAD BOYS Movies: Just say no to me.. Shows: HOMEY dont play that!!
Conventions: super sale Musicals: Alternative ROCK AND ROLL Role Playing: D and d sucks none....

YOUr page is cool see ya later hey how you like the funnny stufff I but down e mail me or some thing seee ya byee bye ...

04/19/99 14:03:18
Name: DeSwa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Spawn Movies: HEHEHEHE Shows: Wrestling
Conventions: Wrestling Musicals: Wrestling Role Playing: Wrestling


03/31/99 23:00:21
Name: Ryochan
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page about sonic. Hope u add more stuff! Visit my page if you have time! ja ne :)

12/08/98 23:51:40
Name: your fan Trenton W.
My URL: Visit Me
Cartoons: sonic,Sailor Moon

Sonic I Play All Your Games All The Time,I Have Beat Them All,I Just Got Sonic 3D Blast From My Papa,And I Am Trying To Beat It....You Are The Best...Keep Making Great Games For Me To Play! Your #1 Fan... Trenton Williams

12/05/98 21:56:35
Name: Kelly Van My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: uhh... Movies: huh? Shows: huh?
Conventions: none Musicals: none Role Playing: none

Your guestbook is so ultimate that I don't get the last six boxs.

10/25/98 10:46:28
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/30/98 09:05:58
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

08/08/98 10:44:12
Name: Luke Burge My URL: Visit Me Cartoons: the revenge of the king
Movies: Rocky 4 Shows: simpsons Conventions: sega world
Musicals: eye of the tiger Role Playing: sonic

Sally is stupid.Sonic is better than Sally

07/15/98 21:57:37
Name: NetRaptor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Don't watch 'em Movies: Toy Story, Mission: Impossible, Jurassic Park ... Shows: None
Conventions: Huh? Musicals: Nuh-uh. Role Playing: The Dig from Lucasarts

Neat page. Needs a few more graphics be a total Sonic page, though. Hit mine.

07/10/98 00:06:27
Name: Matt My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Sonic the Hedgehog
Movies: Die Hard Shows: Kenan & Kel

Check out my site!

06/14/98 16:06:41
Name: Adam D Hedgehog
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

nice page

06/02/98 15:16:45
Name: Mavrick the hedgehog My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: sonic Movies: godzilla Shows: sonic on abc
Musicals: mtv Role Playing: navy pilot

this is my first time here but i been all over the web i am ranking the best sonic and tails or sally sites

05/07/98 18:14:53
Name: Fred Francis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Sonic the Hedgehog (SatMorn)

Sonic is cool!

05/07/98 12:39:37
Name: Sparx My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Sonic, Mummies Alive! Movies: Star Trek First Contact Shows: Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Role Playing: Dungeons & Dragons

Will you join my webrings????

05/07/98 02:35:09
Name: OO7 sonic My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: sonic and sailor moon Movies: all Shows: all
Conventions: N/A Musicals: all Role Playing: all

e-maile me

05/07/98 02:31:19
Name: Travis Dawson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

e-maile me

05/06/98 18:52:48
Name: alec farnsworth My URL: Visit Me
Cartoons: sonic the hedgehog Movies: id4
Conventions: sonic conventions

Boy, I really like sonic and his websites!

05/05/98 21:36:04
Name: Fists Echidna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Mortal Kombat


04/27/98 02:16:44
Name: Cyber the Hare My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Um, too many to count... Movies: Star Trek: First Contactand The Scarlet Pimpernel (FUNNY movie!!!) Shows: All 4 incarnations of Star Trek
Conventions: Star Trek conventions, of course! Musicals: The Sound of Music Role Playing: Huh?

Hey there! Cool page. Keep up the great work! Sonic and Sally rule! Well, gotta go!

04/18/98 23:05:35
Name: seth daniel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Movies: one crazy summer

I'm over role playing games like chrono trigger. So there is more for me to do on webtv+

03/31/98 01:40:04
Name: Sonic Maurice Hedgehog My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Sonic The Hedgehog
Movies: Starship Troopers

Hotmail me Sonic Fan for Sonic info.

03/31/98 01:38:00
Name: Sonic Maurice Hedgehog My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Sonic The Hedgehog
Movies: Starship Troopers

Hotmail me Sonic Fan for Sonic info.

03/28/98 01:22:22
Name: joey taylor My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: sonic the headghog Movies: lost world Shows: same as cartoon
Conventions: ???? Musicals: none Role Playing: chrono trigger


03/08/98 03:41:18
Name: James al'Buren My URL: Visit Me
Cartoons: sonic the headhoge Movies: Brave Heart
Role Playing: FF7

This is the coolist comic book searies I have had the privalage to read. I have been a fan sence The Dark leagen searies where I first found out that you even had a comic book searies.

03/06/98 23:58:10
Name: Casey Schimel My URL: Visit Me Cartoons: sonic the hedgehog
Movies: casper Shows: growing pains Musicals: sonic power ring
Role Playing: final fantacy VII

Sonics the fastest,way coolest thing that ever walked mobious

02/17/98 01:49:52
Name: Blake Odom My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: The Freedom Figters Movies: The Freedom Fighters Shows: The Freedom Fighters
Musicals: Sonic&Sally's MIDis


02/16/98 23:12:06
Name: Tecktonic the Hedgehog My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Sonic of corse Movies: Star Trek Shows: Sonic the Hedgehog
Conventions: Sonic & Star Trek Musicals: Christain

Way past cool page graphics and every thing!!! got to put the pedal to the metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01/29/98 12:20:46
Name: Jason Low My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Sonic the Hedgehog Movies: Titanic Shows: The X-Files
Musicals: Les Miserables

Nice graphics... I have also created some webarts of my own... Feel free to download them at my page!

12/30/97 06:59:19
Name: Azeala Catt My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Any cartoon! I love cartoons!
Movies: Jurassic Park, Disney Movies, Star Wars Shows: huh? Conventions: well...uh...
Musicals: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera...heck, I like them all! Role Playing: never did any role playing....but I'd like to, particularly Mobius MUCK (if I could ever figure out how to get into it)

Hi. Nice page. Goodbye.

12/30/97 06:58:58
Name: Azeala Catt My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Any cartoon! I love cartoons!
Movies: Jurassic Park, Disney Movies, Star Wars Shows: huh? Conventions: well...uh...
Musicals: Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera...heck, I like them all! Role Playing: never did any role playing....but I'd like to, particularly Mobius MUCK (if I could ever figure out how to get into it)

Hi. Nice page. Goodbye.

12/24/97 00:18:13
Name: The Man My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: The Man Show Movies: The man Movie Shows: Ye old Man
Musicals: huh huh Role Playing: ff7

cool page

12/01/97 14:35:48
Name: Cooler My URL: Visit Me
Cartoons: Smurfs Movies: ID4

A nice page you have Sonic El Toro

10/03/97 22:36:46
Name: Raymond "SilverFox" My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: don't mind if i do
Shows: Star Trek Voyager Role Playing: Which role?

Cool Site. Come see mine. Thanks a lot.

10/03/97 21:53:26
Name: Zelda My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: All Movies: almost all Shows: The same
Musicals: all Role Playing: I LOVE THEAM ALL!!!!!


09/11/97 23:15:22
Name: Tecktonic My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Sonic Movies: That Thing You Do Shows: Star Trek Voyager
Musicals: Soundtracks

Thans for signing my guest book!!! I like your page lots & lots & lots & lots Tecktonic!!!!!!!!

09/11/97 23:18:50
Name: Tecktonic My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Sonic
Movies: That Thing You Do Musicals: Soundtracks

Thans for signing my guest book!!! I like your page lots & lots & lots & lots Tecktonic!!!!!!!!

09/05/97 13:34:56
Name: Christopher Adams My URL: Visit Me Cartoons: Sonic
Movies: Event Horizon Shows: Star Trek Voyager Conventions: Confurence 7&8
Musicals: Cats Role Playing: Werewolf the Apacolpyse

Gotta have more Sonic!!!

08/29/97 17:20:41
Name: little man
My URL: Visit Me
Cartoons: sonic,sailor moon


08/26/97 01:59:30 GMT
Name: Maricruz Covarrubias My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Sonic The Hedgehog Movies: Jim Carrey Movies Shows: Friends
Role Playing: Roseblood


08/15/97 16:13:24 GMT
Name: Kevin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Bass computer Movies: Techmaster P.e.b. bass Shows: The how to boom !!! YA
Conventions: THe need for bass HA ! Musicals: The thing is bass that it .. Role Playing: Dont let the bass hurt ya

Cool page but we"ll get my page fatter thou basss in your face booom boom !!!!!!!!! ya ya *LOL* heee

08/14/97 10:29:19 GMT
Name: MechaSonic My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: The Sonic Anime Movies: Ahhhh....::looks at Robotnik:: FREE WILLY! Shows: Hmmm...anything Sonic.
Conventions: Ahhhh....o-k-ayyyy...... Musicals: Eh? Role Playing: Sonic Role Plays.

Cool page ya got here!

08/12/97 16:45:19 GMT
Name: Savanna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Cartoons: Sonic!

Hi! Nice page!

08/04/97 04:34:25 GMT
Name: Wonderdog My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Love em all :) Movies: Sci Fi, action, historical drama Shows: Seinfeld
Conventions: Zoocon a few times a year Musicals: Rocky Horror Picture Show Role Playing: War Hammer, Traveller

Good job on the page. However by tiling the jpg some of the text is hard to point out and read.

07/26/97 02:22:37 GMT
Name: Adam Johnson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


07/25/97 22:21:35 GMT
Name: Andrew Law
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool Page!

07/10/97 00:12:42 GMT
Name: Ratfink My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: SONIC!! Movies: Liar Liar Shows: Uhhhh....I dunno.
Conventions: Never been to one Musicals: ummm....I dunno. Role Playing: Ratfink Lightshadow

I like your page!! It's really cool!

06/27/97 19:39:34 GMT
Name: Jerry Schley My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Cartoons: Robotech Movies: Indiana Jones Shows: Star Trtek Deep Space 9
Conventions: Hope Con Role Playing: Battletech

Cool Site Brian

06/22/97 18:36:55 GMT
Name: Brian Morrison My URL: Visit Me Cartoons: Sonic the hedgehog
Movies: Aliens Shows: Thundercats Conventions: Star Trek
Musicals: Cats Role Playing: AD&D


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This Page Last Updated: 07/31/98

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