Web Ring

Welcome to the Paul McGann Web Ring. Paul McGann is a British actor, known best for his roles in films like Withnail & I and made-for-TV films like Doctor Who. This service is made possible by WebRing, a non-profit web service.

Within this web ring you will find pages which honor the man, his talent, and his roles. Each site leads you to the next location until you return to your starting page. Feel free to jump to random sites to get a sense of the talent of the actor, Paul McGann.


* Join the Ring
* Add Your Site
* Try Out the Ring
* Questions about the Ring?
* Members Only

How to Join the Ring

If you have a page which features Paul McGann or any of his roles as an actor, and you can add a small block of HTML code to your page, you can join the Paul McGann Web Ring.

Please note: Your site MUST display the web ring code on the page you submit to the ring. This code keeps the ring whole so that others can visit you, and from your page, other Paul McGann Web Ring sites. Without it, the ring does not work. If you cannot add the needed section of code to the selected page, please do not apply.

If you have a page which meets these requirements, please continue below to join the Paul McGann Web Ring.

Adding a page to the ring is a three-step process:

  1. Add your page to the ring queue, the list of pages which are waiting to be added to the ring. You will receive an automated e-mail message with some important information, including the next two steps of the web ring process.
  2. Add the HTML code to your page. The automated e-mail message includes the HTML code you will need to add to your web site. Please add it as soon as possible.
  3. Once your code is in place, e-mail the ring adminitrator. If the code is in place, you will receive confirmation welcoming you to the ring.
If you do not have the HTML code on the page you have submitted, your site will not be able to be added to the ring. Remember to add the code!

Add Your Site

Fill out this form to add your site to the Paul McGann Web Ring queue:

Site URL:
Site Title:

Note: The Paul McGann Web Ring administrator reserves the right to refuse any submission for any reason.

Try Out the Ring

* Paul McGann Web Ring List - a list of all current Paul McGann Web Ring sites
* Random Paul McGann Web Ring Site - randomly takes you to any Paul McGann Web Ring site

Questions about the Ring?

For any questions about the Paul McGann Web Ring, please send e-mail to the ring administrator. You can find information on other web rings at the WebRing Home Page.

Return to one of the following:

* Paul McGann Page


Lisa D. Jenkins /
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