Sounds Gallery


* Wav Files
* RealAudio Files
* Specific Performances

+ Doctor Who Telefilm
+ Withnail & I Sounds

Wav Files

Sounds originally sampled at 22 kHz, 16-bit mono with GoldWave, then resampled to 11 kHz, 8-bit mono to reduce their size.

  1. "They're here!"

RealPlayer Files

Currently, I have exerpts from an interview by Fox with Paul McGann about the telefilm, Doctor Who. Originally from a file at 11 kHz, 8-bit mono, this file is able to play at 14.4K modem speed or higher.

Download RealPlayer

  1. Doctor Who interview
  2. Down and Out
  3. Cover the World in Gold
Return to one of the following:

* Paul McGann Page


Lisa D. Jenkins /
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