By Nelson Tang (tang@cts.com)
with many suggestions from the Friends mailing lists.
Some specific rules/suggestions by Ross Smith (smith@cccc.com).
Editors Note:
We're famous! This game was mentioned in Entertainment Weekly and
Supervising Producer Jeff Greenstein writes:
I circulated a copy among
the cast, crew, and writing staff, 'cause I thought it was so
funny that it said "drink everything in sight if you see
Phoebe and Ursula together", when we were shooting that
very episode.
This is a game. This is only a game. If using alcoholic
beverages, do not drive. Do not operate heavy machinery. Do not
pass go. Do not collect $200.
Gather friends (if applicable) around TV set. Place drinks,
alcoholic or not, within easy reach. Watch "Friends,"
drinking when instructed to by the following rules. In case of
confusion over whether or not to drink, always err on the side of
drinking. Enjoy a great show!
- Take a sip if...
- Rachel demonstrates her lack of
understanding of the real world
- Monica anal-retentively cleans or
straightens up (2 sips if it's not even her stuff)
- Phoebe says a "Phoebism"
- Ross gazes longingly at Rachel (2
sips if she notices)
- Joey doesn't understand something
that should be perfectly obvious (2 sips if you didn't
get it either)
- Chandler makes a deadpan smartass
response to a stupid comment (2 sips if you predicted it
ahead of time)
- any main character makes a sweeping
generalization about the opposite sex
- anyone mentions or sees Ugly Naked
Guy (2 sips if you're ugly, naked, or a guy)
- any of the main characters drinks
any coffee product
- the exterior of Central Perk is
- the interior of Chandler's and
Joey's apartment is shown
- any of the main characters' parents
show up
- any of the main characters are
shown at work (Rachel only counts if she is wearing her
apron or holding a pot of coffee)
- any of the main characters hug (2
sips for a hug involving more than two main characters,
or an exagerated hug between any of the guys)
- any of the main characters asks
"What's wrong?" (2 sips if followed by
"Nothing, it's just that...")
- Take a gulp if...
- Rachel takes an order and/or brings
a drink to someone (2 gulps if she does it right)
- Monica's mother puts down Monica's
- Phoebe plays her guitar (2 gulps if
she mentions her mother)
- Ross mentions his ex-wife and/or
her lesbian lover
- Joey tries for an acting part (2
gulps if he gets it)
- Chandler makes a reference to an
old TV show from your youth (2 gulps if you used to watch
- anyone looks directly into the
camera and smiles/smirks
- anyone says the word
"penis", or uses a euphimism for it
- anyone says the word
"breast", or uses a euphimism for it
- any of the main characters drinks
bottled water
- all six main characters hang out in
Monica's and Rachel's apartment
- the hallway between Monica's and
Chandler's apartment is shown
- the interior of Ross' apartment is
- any of the main characters kiss a
non-main character
- Marcel the monkey shows up (2 gulps
if he's not with Ross)
- any main character gets mad at
another main character (drink everything in sight and
lose faith in sit-com television if they don't make up by
the end of the show)
- Chug your entire drink
- Rachel kisses Ross, or vice versa
- Monica goes out with someone who's
not a weirdo
- Phoebe makes an intelligent,
sensible comment
- Ross professes his love to Rachel
- Joey offers good love-life advice
to anyone
- Chandler drops his sarcastic,
cynical facade
- any of the main characters drinks
any alcoholic beverage
- all six main characters hang out in
Chandler's and Joey's apartment
- the interior of Phoebe's domicile
(apartment? house?) is shown
- any of the main characters sleeps
with a non-main character
- there's a reference to any other
NBC Thursday night TV show (chug 2 drinks if a main
character from that show makes a guest appearance, in
- there's a reference to the Friends
e-mailing list (chug 2 drinks if anyone from the list is
mentioned by name; cheer wildly and drink everything in
sight if that name is yours) [hey, it *could* happen,
right? :-) ]
- Drink everything in sight
- Rachel's ex-husband-to-be shows up
- Monica tells her mother to go to
- Phoebe and Ursula are seen together
- Ross kills Paolo
- Joey gets the lead role in a
Broadway show
- Chandler goes out with Brian
- Ugly Naked Guy is shown
- any of the main characters sleeps
with another main character (go to the store to get more
to drink if it's Ross and Monica)
- This game to be followed by the ER
Urination Game.
- Game by Nelson Tang (tang@cts.com)
with many suggestions from the Friends mailing list. Some
specific rules/suggestions by Ross Smith (smith@cccc.com).
- Converted to HTML and last updated 1/2/96 by Andy J. Williams
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