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How to join the Friends Mailing list

The Friends mailing list at Dartmouth is the official mailing list for Friendanitics. To join, send electronic mail to as follows:


Subject: (is ignored so you can put anything you want here)

Body of message:

SUBSCRIBE FRIENDS yourfirstname yourlastname


* Replace "yourfirstname" and "yourlastname" with your first and last name. I know it sounds obvious, but you'd be amazed how many people get this wrong.

* There are other forms of the listserv address which may currently work, but the ONLY one you should use is the one provided here.

* The list is called by many names but the only one that the listserv understands is "FRIENDS" so don't use FRIENDS-L.
After being subscribed, you will get a mail to explain how to post, the local netiquette and how to unsubscribe.

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