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Friends animation


Episode Title



The One Where Monica Gets a new Roommate…


The One With Ross' New Girlfriend…


The One With The List…


The One Where Ross Finds Out


The One With The Prom Video


The One Where Ross And Rachel…You Know


The One Where Eddie Moves in…


The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies…


The One Where Eddie Won't Go…


The One Where Mr. Heckles Dies…


The One With Phoebe's Husband…


The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant…


The One With The Baby On The Bus…


The One After The Superbowl (Parts I & II)…



The One Where Monica Gets a new Roommate…

I'm an Actor

Come to Joey

Wish I was a lesbian

Of course it was a line

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The One With Ross' New Girlfriend…

Too soon to tell

Demi Moore

Oh My God!

It's not a date
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The One With The List…

What am I gonna do?

This thing won't print

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The One Where Eddie Moves in…

Monica - Never call me from that phone.wav (343Kb)

None of you ever made a video.wav (217Kb)

Run, Yasmine, run like the wind.wav (307Kb)

Smelly Cat - the video version.wav (1046Kb)

The Friends sing Smelly Cat.wav (531Kb)

Who's eggs do you like better.wav (323Kb)
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The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies…

Are these raisins.wav (162Kb)

Chandler begs Phoebe to play foosball.wav (509Kb)

Chipmunk sex.wav (301Kb)

Eddie's story about being dumped by Tilly.wav (529Kb)

I'll just stand in the corner and tell knock-knock jokes.wav (349Kb)

If I could see the schedule beforehand.wav (217Kb)

That's a goldfish cracker.wav (512Kb)

Ya big freak o' nature.wav (102Kb)

Intense.wav (146Kb)

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The One Where Eddie Won't Go…

Isn't It Chromantic.wav (289Kb)

Actually, it's the movie theater's time table.wav (382Kb)

And I'd have to say pahaa.wav (260Kb)

Ding dong, the weirdo's gone.wav (346Kb)

Good fake dog.wav (239Kb)

Hannibal Lecter-Better roommate than you.wav (176Kb)

How do you expect me to grow if you won't let me blow.wav (357Kb)

I'm a dehydrating maniac.wav (224Kb)

I wanna hear it from your lips.wav (262Kb)

It's nothing like The Hobbit.wav (313Kb)

Maybe because the last fish came from Pepperidge Farms.wav (193Kb)

Oh sweet Moses.wav (245Kb)

This book could've been called Be Your Own Windkeeper, Rachel.wav (226Kb)

This is smack dab in the middle of the blue.wav (556Kb)

You go, girl.wav (387Kb)

Your not being fair.wav (Kb)
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The One Where Mr. Heckles Dies…
I'm going to die alone.wav

Our trains are on the same track.wav

This apartment sullies the good name of crap.wav

We'll try to keep it down.wav

You're all going to Hell.wav
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The One With Phoebe's Husband…

As opposed to your other multifunctional nipples.wav

Chandler's secret is revealed.wav

If I'm going down, I'm taking everybody with me.wav

Pressing my third nipple opens the delivery entrance to the magical kingdom of Narnia.

You told me it was a nubbin.wav
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The One With Five Steaks And An Eggplant…

So, the Ebola virus.wav

I'm gonna have a cup of the cucumber soup and take care.wav

I will have the side salad.wav

If you need me, I'll be over there on the edge of my seat.wav

You're gonna sneeze on my fish, aren't ya.wav
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The One With The Baby On The Bus…

I once dated a Miss Crankypants.wav

My uncle Sal has a big tongue.wav

Phoebe's shower song.wav

Phoebe and Stephanie sing Smelly Cat.wav

Ross tries to avoid getting a shot.wav

What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthdays.wav
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The One After The Superbowl (Parts I & II)…

Eat me, I'm done.wav

Hi, tushie.wav

Hitting her with a frying pan is a good idea.wav

I'm going to the bathroom now.wav

Meet me in the nocturnal house in 15 minutes.wav

Phoebe's song about grandmas.wav

Phoebe's song about homo- and bisexuals.wav

Phoebe's song about the cow in the meadow.wav

Phoebe's song about things that you don't want to do.wav

You guys would be, like, my bitches.wav
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The One Where Ross Finds Out

If my_boobs_are_bigger_than_yours,_I'm_going_home.wav










The One With The Prom Video







The One Where Ross And Rachel…You Know








Ross (to Monica) - What's in this pie (wav, 142Kb) - The Kiwi pie incident

The original opening titles Quicktime Movie, 2.Mb (The one where they dance around the fountain)
Friends Commercial

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Over 75 more sound files coming, and the QT Movies are on their way!

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