HARDLIGHT PROJECTOR [Body: 10, Int: 5, Will: 3, Mind: 1, Force
Manipulation: 30, Remote Sensing: 30, Split: 7, Telepathy: 1, R#: 3]
Telepathy has orbital range.
Telepathy can only be used to mentally control a hardlight projection from
a control helmet on the Injustice Gang satellite.
Remote Sensing can only be used to have the senses of whatever hardlight
projection the user is controlling.
Mental Stats are used when projection is under computer control.
Split is "computer split" (See Rules Manual)
All projection stats are manifestations of the projector's Force Manipulation.
Stats can be modified but can not exceed 30. For example, if Lex didn't
want the Superman projection just flying around blasting stuff and fight
someone hand-to- hand, then he'd lower the Energy Blast and Flight and
give the projection some Dex and Str.
Superman Projection
[Body: 5, Flight: 10, Energy Blast: 15]
Batman(Batplane) Projection
[Body: 10, Flight: 10, Projectile Weapons: 10]
Aquaman Projection
[Dex: 9, Str: 7, Body: 7, Water Freedom: 7]
Flash Projection
[Dex: 6, Str: 4, Body, 5, Superspeed: 15]
Green Lantern Projection
[Dex: 5, Str: 3, Body: 6, Force Manipulation: 16]
Use of Force Manipulation here, is not in violation of the Force Manipulation
writeup. It is the leftover APs of the projector simulating Green Lantern's
Wonder Woman Proection
[Dex: 9, Str: 7, Body: 8, Flight: 6]
Martian Manhunter Projection
[Dex: 8, Str: 8, Body: 9, Flight: 5]