Dex: 13 Str: 22 Body: 15 Motivation: Responsibility of Power
Int: 10 Will: 19 Mind: 11 Occupation: Warrior
Infl: 10 Aura: 8 Spirit: 12 Resources: 10
Initiative: 35 HP: 175
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Darkseid (father), Tiggra (mother), Kalibak (half-brother), Heggra (grandmother, dead), Yuga Khan (grandfather), Steppenwolf (uncle), Izaya (adopted father, deceased), Scott Free (adopted brother)
Group Affiliation New Gods, JLA
Base of Operations: Supertown, JLA Watchtower
Height: 6'1" Weight: 195 lbs.
Eyes: Red Hair: Reddish Blond