"The Music" is one of most beautiful and  powerful way to express
             the fellings, and just it has the power of to take our spirits to
             places  where "The Man" never got reach. 
                                                            Daniel Fortes (1997)

Musician, I was born on 1965 June 28th at São Vicente city, São Paulo state - Brazil.

Download some examples of my song compositions. I tried to be shoort about the style variety. For use, unzip in a empty folder using a utility like winzip.

Home-Studio, The set which I use for several works created and released in the musical market, and for use in tournees.

Gallery 1 1, my photho's gallery link, where is registered my musical career.

Gallery 2, That's the colection's second part.

Midi-links, To find midi files on the net is a sacrifice, isn't it ??. Thinking about that, I decided to compact some pages with dozens links to midi files. That's a gift from me to you. For use, unzip in a empty folder using a utility like winzip..

Look !!!, This page is kept refreshed with news, hints and suggestions of the musical world. Visite always !!!

Performing, Listen to a song sung and played by me ( you must have Winamp ).

Daniel Fortes


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