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Last Modified on 7/4/98

Season Six main page added


Welcome! I am PaleRider, and I am a Watcher. The life of Duncan MacLeod, as well as the mortals and Immortals that have crossed his path, have been chronicled here, in over 100 Web pages. This data has been accumulated from lots of different place, from lots of Watcher across the Web, and so far, I have not had the time to fact check them all. You will know the pages that have been fact checked, and wrote in my own words, by the crossed Katanas at the top of those pages:

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For sections (the ones that are in my own words) in which I need help finding the information, you will see a question mark: I-QuestionMark.gif . If anyone can help me with these sections, I would greatly appreciate it.

In the following pages (when when the site's completed) you will find information on every episode, a timeline, a list of Immortals, information about the regular cast members, an area on swords and links to other Highlander sites.

I have put my E-mail address at the bottom of each page. If you come across any info that is wrong, not complete, or just want to comment on this site, or anything else, I would appreciate your feedback.

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Disclaimer: All Highlander related material is the property of Rysher Entertainment, Davis/Panzer Productions and Gaumont. All the materials in this site are for the enjoyment of the Web community, and are not compensating me in any way. If I have infringed on any ones copyrights, it was purely unintentional. Please notify me and I will do whatever it takes to rectify the problem.

This site was designed and created by PaleRider using HomeSite 2.5, Microsoft Image Composer 1.0, GIF Construction Set, Graphics Workshop 95 and WordPerfect Presentations 3.0, with graphics and other materials acquired from Rysher Entertainment's Official Highlander Site, the other Official Highlander Site and lots of different places.