Photo Gallery I

Welcome to my first photo gallery.  ;-)  these galleries will contain pics of my gigs, trips, friends, etc.  please enjoy...

Click on the pics to see an enlarged version....

israel-bus.jpg (486551 bytes)

Our tour-bus driver in Israel.  (Nov. '99)

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Me and one of my closest friends, Rachel.

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Playing bass in St. Louis.  (summer '99)

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Me and another good friend, Jamie. (April '00)

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Christmas Break ('99)

thumb catching.jpg (493593 bytes)

My "thumb-catching" game.  Z-R Drama performance.   (March '00)

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Preparing for Prom 2000.   WHOA!  Freaky HAIR!!!!!!   ;-)

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My BEAUTIFUL niece, Caitlyn Danielle Pickens, shortly after she was born.  (early '99)