Fanfic Ideas That Misfired

Here are a few fan fic ideas that I had that ultimately tanked for one reason or another. You are free to them at no charge. The reason for the misfire will be listed under the idea.

Chicago Hope/Ally Mcbeal Crossover

Idea:Diane/Billy (or any two CH's characters) encounter who they think is Alan in Boston. It's really John "The Biscuit" Gage. It turns out that Alan never really died and Alan assumed a secret identity thanks to the US relocation service (Alans shooter was a lower rung mob imformant) in order to prevent from being killed. Billy and Diane urge Alan to come back to Chicago and tell the truth.

Why it didnt pan out: I am not a big fan of Ally McBeal. So I would not be able to do any characters very well.


Idea:After the death of Bill Mcneal, Dave and Jimmy James serach for a new news anchor and find one Frasier Crane looking for a job. He, and Roz fly to New york for a week trial session on the air.

Why it didnt pan out: I watch both shows but not enough of Newsradio to know who everyone is.

Days of our lives/All My children cross network crossover

Ideas: Several Story arcs.
Stephano discovers long lost painting is in the hands of Palmer cortland, who has now given it to Opal, his wife.
Erica Kane attempts to takeover "Countess Wilhemina" Cosmetics. Kate, Sami and Austin and Carrie fly to Pine Valley to prevent the takeover.While there Carrie meets Tad martin - the former tad the cad. Carrie and Mike have just made up over a large unknown fight but unfortuantely for Carrie, Tad likes her. Sami catches Tad kissing Carrie. Stephano offers to help Kate beat Erica Kane while Vivian offers her services to The enemy, Erica.
Why this didnt work out: By the time the intricate arcs were worked out, the storylines (palmer and the painting) were suddenly obselete.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/X-Files

Idea: Crosover for Buffy and the X-Files. After Willow is attacked by a wolf like creature, the gang wonders if Amys mom had come back out of the cheerleading trophy she was trapped in during first season. Mulder and Scully arrived to help, and unexpected sparks fly between Scully and Giles, the libarian.

Why it failed: I think i stopped caring, I was heavy into Beyond Friends.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel

Idea: Crossover between Buffy and the spin-off. Angel dies, and Cordelia arrives back in Sunnydale. Baddies from LA arrive with her. This story was the root of an weird thought of Giles acknowledging his longing for the Slayer.

Why it failed: Not a technical failure, more like stalled.

Idea: A girl inadverdantly makes the guys lose a gig at a local roller rink,and gets them evicted from their pad, she makes up for it by inviting them to her place.

Why It Failed: Stalled, but I did use some elements of the story in another fic.
The idea as it was the last time i worked on it.

A "Monkees at the movies: Goonies" fic.
Why it failed: I put it off and I put it off, but I got tired of the "lets put the Monkees in the movies" concept after "Peter and the Chocolate Factory" and the Micky version of "Rear Window".

Daria And Beavis and Butthead Fan fic

Idea: Hey lets have Beavis and Butthead transfer to Darias school!

This was listed underneath "Other" fic for a while but decided to recently axe it. Why? Its a bad fic, not great, and I used a "its a dream" ending to bail myself out. I missed a lot of opportunities so its why "A huh huh reunion" was my first and thankfully last fanfic with either shows involved. If you still want to see it however, well its no longer on my site, it's history and you will thank me for it.

Sliders/ Murphy Brown

Idea: The Sliders go into the universe of FYI.

Why it Failed: Lame idea, basically came up during my "hey lets pair Sliders up with every show I watch" period. Actual idea never came into fruition plot wise but if you ever saw my Friends/Sliders idea, it might have turned out like that (missing timer and lame hiliarity ensues). Found this idea on a old disk. The idea never made it past "they arrive", in the file I found.

Caroline In The City Spin-off Julia In The City

Idea: An effort to make Julia, the character who most Caroline fans hated cause she had Richard, yadda yadda yadda, into a likeable person. Had a roomate named Michelle.

Why It Failed: Couldnt think of anything original to do with it. Wrote two surpremely lame "episodes". Basically "cookie cutter" episodes that I could have easily turned into lameo Friends or Frasier fanfic. I just couldnt make snooty Julia likeable. Wrote this when I was doing fairly well with Beyond Friends and thought I could do it again. Went as well as you can expect, cannot be found on the net thankfully. Course now that I think about it, why did I try to make her a good person when I had page up calling her a "repulsive leech?" Beats the hell out of me.