A Tale Of Two Chatters
A Niles Story

Niles Crane looked around at his home as he got off at his floor at the Montana. There was a different feel about the building tonight. At the moment he could not tell what it was. He decided not to worry about it and headed toward his apartment. He went to unlock the door but noticed his door was ajar. Fearing the worse, he carefully poked the door open using the edge of his briefcase.
"Hello?" He said out loud, hoping to scare any thief away with the sound of his voice.
"Dr Crane?" A female voice called. "Is that you?"
"Yes, I can't exactly be anyone else." Niles sighed relief realizing he had come in while the building manager Catherine was inside his apartment.
"I'm glad you came while I'm still around." Catherine said coming out of Niles office. "The building was outfitted with an internet system this afternoon. The plush gets plushier I guess. Anyhow, I was just installing your computer console."
"Fascinating." Niles said. "Why is this being done again?"
"I guess they figured you can be nicer to people when not seeing their face. I don't know." Catherine said adjusting her tool belt, her soft brown hair lightly brushed against her face. "It's all set up. Just choose a room and you are all set."
"Thank you." Niles said. "This should be interesting."
"Always is, some couples meet this way." Catherine said on the way out. "Enjoy." Nile stared at his console for a minute.
"Well it won't hurt anyone if I do this for research purposes." Niles said and picked a room. "Here goes nothing."

Frasiers place

Daphne sat hunkered over her new computer system. She was busy reading the manual when her boss Frasier Crane came in.
"Hello Daphne." Frasier said, his instantly recognizable voice caught Daphnes ear.
"Why hello Dr. Crane." Daphne said turning.
"I see you got yourself a new toy so to speak. What happened to the...what did you call it, thigh master?"
"That was ages ago Dr Crane." Daphne said, her musical English accent chided him ever so slightly.
"I don't see much use for computers. What do you plan to do with this?" Frasier asked gesturing to the machine as it carried the black plague. "I want to meet new and interesting people. What’s the harm in that?"
"My god, what has happened to the world when everyone is talking through a monitor instead of using words and expressions? Is the art of conversation totally lost?" Frasier proclaimed. Daphne shook her head
"It'll help me in ways that I will never know of that could have helped me in real life." Daphne said waving her hand. "Now shoo. I want to have a test run."
"Fine." Frasier said. "I'll warm up that purple looking thing you called couscous in the microwave."
Daphne shook her head and turned her attention to the screen. She chose a chat room randomly and entered as "Lovely1". There was one other person in the room.

Niles had been puzzled about what to call himself and remarkably all the intellectual names were taken. He sighed and decided to go with the handy, if uncreative "Psych101".

Psych101: Hello.
Lovely1: Hello yourself.
Psych101: We're the only ones here, is that a bad thing?
Lovely1: Not really. I only came here myself a few seconds ago. This is my first time in a chat room.
Psych101: Me too. Where I live the whole building, everyone got a computer today.
Lovely1; Must have been great.
Psych101: I like to believe that.
Lovely1: That’s good.

Niles sat back. He had run out of all decent conversation.

Psych101: So, pardon me for being uncreative, where are you from?
Lovely1: England. You?
Psych101: I've lived here all my life.
Lovely1: You sound sad today.
Psych101: I am.
Lovely1: Talk to me.
Psych101: Are you sure, people tell me I tend to ramble.
Lovely1: Go on.
Psych101: I just went through a messy divorce, although I still love the woman, a little.
Lovely1: I'm sorry. I should have kept my mouth shut.
Psych101: But I can't see your mouth.
Lovely1: That’s true. Let me send you a picture of me.
Psych101: We just met...
Lovely1: Don't be silly. Its a picture, you can throw it away.
Psych101: Ok.

Daphne brought up a file of her in a "Glamour Shots" photo she had done on her birthday. She had hoped Psych101 would like it. She briefly let him know how to receive it and sent it.

Psych101: Ok I am receiving it.
Lovely1: Great. Awaiting your verdict.

Niles waited as the photo appeared on the screen. It started from the bottom and ended at the top.
"Oh my god." Niles said. "Lovely1 is Daphne." He saw her calling his name, or at least Psych101 name. He decided to respond.

Psych101: Heaven must be missing an angel, for I have truly seen an angel on earth tonight.
Lovely1: Stop it, I'm blushing.
Psych101: I simply must meet you.
Lovely1: In real life?
Psych101: Yes.
Lovely1: Why?
Psych101: Seeing you here doesn’t do your picture any justice.
Lovely1: You're just saying that! I'll meet you.
Psych101: Wonderful. Do you know the Cafe Nervosa? Lovely1: You bet I do!
Psych101: I will be there in an hour. I will wear a blue oxford tie.
Lovely1: Oxford?
Psych101: Yes. You will notice its the only good looking tie in the entire coffee bar.
Lovely1: Ok. See you there.

Niles sat back. Daphne! This is the best opportunity he has had yet to let her know he loves her. Niles promptly clicked out of the chat room and changed his tie and left.

Daphne went into the dining room. Was going to meet his strange man with a oxford tie the right thing to do? She shrugged.
"You only live once Daphne Moon." She told her self. So get going, you have an hour to see who Mr. Wonderful or Mr. Psych101 is.
"I'm going for a walk!" Daphne ran out the door before Frasier or Martin got a chaance to ask her where she was going.

Niles sat in his usual spot with a clear view of the door. He adjusted his tie and looked up when the door opened.
Daphne came in, she had tied her hair up, but a stray strand or two would float down into her face. Niles felt himself stare at her. Daphne saw him.
"Hello Dr. Crane!" Daphne waved to him then walked on over to his seat.
"Hello." Niles stood. Daphne stopped short.
"You're wearing a blue oxford tie." Daphne said pointing while shifting her sweater to another hand.
"Yes." Niles said.
"Then you are Psych101?"
"Guilty as charged." Niles said.
"I knew it, the info on you said Montana.net but I didn’t know for sure." Daphne said sitting down. "I feel a little faint."
Niles grabbed a water glass and handed it to her. She downed the contents in one gulp.
He found his courage.
"Daphne, I have something to tell you." Niles said finally. "I think you better stay seated."
"What?" Daphne said finally recovered.
"Daphne, I have loved you from the first time I have seen you. All I can do is think about you and those eyes, and those lips and I could go on all night."
"Oh my." Daphne said.
"I've always wanted to tell you but I was the victim of very bad timing and luck." Niles said. "But now I have told you. I have no idea what to expect as to how you are going to react to this."
"Niles?" Daphne said. "I love you too, for as long as I could remember. I thought I could tell you loved me but I was never sure. And there was always Maris."
"But that’s different now." Daphne said.
"Daphne." Niles said. "I am going to do something that I have wanted to do for the longest time." Niles leaned over in his seat. Daphnes eyes widened when she realized what he was attempting to do and moved forward. Their lips met when they were have out of their seats. It was the greatest kiss Niles could have ever hoped for from Daphne. This first kiss ever outranked all the moments when Niles thought he was gonna tell her everything about what he had felt. It was an added bonus that she had felt the same. Two people were watching from the door.
"So." Frasier said. "What do you think of this?"
"There’s something going on here, but it has nothing to do with going for a walk." Martin said walked out, leaving Niles and Daphne to look at each other and wonder about what their kiss was going to bring them, but as for now, they only cared about each other.

The End