My reviews and comments

This is a section devoted to my small collection of MST3k Videos from Rhino Home Video and dvd. Featured are some reviews of each movie and some choice quotes and notes of interest.


Cave Dwellers - People in rags and other weird clothing have a conflict about some damn thing. *** 1/2 one of the funniest.

Memorable scene - Ator on a hang glider.

Pod People - A anteater looking thing comes to earth and is befriended by a young boy permantly caught in the "Peter Brady" voice phase. **** - hilarious.
Tommy - You can do magic things!
Tom - It's called evil, kid.

Guy - (with ok sign) It stinks!

The Amazing Colossal Man - A man grows rapidly after being affected by a nuclear blast and becomes the first test subject to "Depends" - *** slow moving but funny
Guy on radio - He's heading into vegas.
Crow - And he seems to have a big bag of loose change and he intends to use it.

I Accuse My Parents with Truck Farmers Short - Jimmy says its his parents fault for not being supportive enough and drove him into the mob. How come Al Capone never used this excuse?
Truck farmers are honored in the short. ****

Manos: The Hands Of Fate with "Hired" Short - A vacationing family is sucked into cesspool of fear and confusion and not nice things. Hired is about getting the most out of your employees. *** 1/2 the worst movie of all time

The Gunslinger - Roger Corman does westerns! Run for your life! A widow of a slain marshall takes his place (memorable for possibly being an influence for "Shes the sherrif") as the town honcho - but angers local barkeep lady and lady hires a dude to kill her. He falls in love and everyone basically dies except her at the end.
*** - Pure western cornball fun - considered good but remember who directed the film.

Mitchell - Jon Don Baker at his male piggiest best as a cop tailing a drug dude. The last appearance of Joel. ***1/2 good comments but where the hell is the plot?

The Brain That Wouldn't Die - Mad Scientist goes a long way to improve his girlfriend and make her a head of all the rest. First appearance of Mike. ****

Egah - A caveman abducts a girl and her father. There must be easier ways of getting a prom date.
**** for pure pre-historic film fun. Awful movie but Joel and the bots are up to their over the top hilarity (maybe best brains will give me a prize for best suck up promotion. ;) )
Note: Check it out, the guy who plays Eegah looks like the guy in the James Bond movies with the metal chompers - Jaws!

Catalina Caper
Some teens, a evil guy on a yacht and a stolen scroll leads to the fun in this wanna be beach movie classic
Review: ***

John Carradine wants to make people young again, good, then give me back the hour I took to watch this movie! Plus two shorts
Review: **

Shorts Volume 2
Review: ****

And now: The dreaded Ross Hagen Double Feature
A bizarre motorcycle sport leads to this torrid twisted tale of murder and revenge.
Review:*** - I swear to god I clicked on EPSN and saw sidehacking. Watch this one to get the "number five!" referances in....Hellcats!

Ross, newly discharged (movie doesnt say if hes on leave or on a break) Ross trys to find out who killed his brother.
Review: *** - The box says Robert Reed (rebel brady dad?) is in it but I dont see him at all. Is he in it? Email me if you can point him out if he is

They skydive, but someone went splat.
Review: Real dull, but hang in its a **1/2

The Creeping Terror
Its a creeping carpet sample, and it likes HUMAN FLESH. There would be ore survivors if the victims werent so helpful in their demise. The Terrors quips are funny.

The Crawling Hand
The hand of doom.
Review:** 1/2. The humble beginnings of the show. It gets better

Angels Revenge
This Charlies angels rip off has one thing, more girls, but also Jack Palance and Peter Lawford.
Review:****. Good Mike episode

The Wild World of Batwoman - plus Cheating short
Wild world of Batwoman? We must have visited on an off day. The whole movie is about a hearing aid of some kind, and whats with that seance sequence?
Review: Funny ***1/2

MST3k: The Movie - This Island Earth! Very very funny, but like all things, its just too short.


The Beginning of the End
Giant grasshoppers! (insert scream here) run rampant over picture postcard cities, literally. Only Peter Graves can stop 'em!
Review: On the DVD you can watch the original version of the movie. Pretty funny

The Red Zone -
There seems to be a invasion of Cuba, it seems to go wrong, you may think you're watching the History Channel but you actually got one bad movie!


Ratings System - Not on the movie itself but on how the movie is treated.

* sucks
** you can stomach it
*** pretty good
**** great, lots of LOL lines.
1/2s are given due to indecsiveness.

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