You're gonna keep breathing, Pendrell.

Welcome to the Pendrell Support Group Homepage!
Wow. Do I smell THAT bad?! ;) So I haven't been updating for a while.. so no one's been here in a while.. sooo.. heh. Well, I decided to just fix up the HTML for this place. Starseed has since moved from Canada.. though that is still where PoP resides. You can find PoP on IRC as tangerine; ICQ as tangerine112, AIM as ophelia112 and Yahoo! Pager as tangerine18966. You can find Starseed on IRC very rarely as Starseed, on ICQ as Starseed and I think that's it. Thanks much for putting up with us. :)

- A who's who list and the member info, details and graphix.

- Poems written by members concerning Pendrell's death.

- You guys sure write a lot! There are now 2 pages or poems!

- The Official Archive Of The Official Newsletter Of The Pendrell Support Group.

- Visit a fellow PSGer's homepage!!

- Take part in the PSG member survey!

- Photo Gallery (Don't be surprised if things seem to be ... missing.)

Our Guestbook

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This site is the brain child of The Princess Of Paranoia and Starseed, the PSG Prez.. If you have any suggestions about what else we could include in this page, please E-Mail me.

This Agent Pendrell Memorial Ring site is owned by The PSG WebMistress.

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The Agent Pendrell Memorial Ring is owned by Angie.
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This page has been visited times since ...Saturday, August 16, 1997. Sad, isn't it? :o)

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Last Updated: October 28, 1998.