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Sounds (.wav format for IBM users)

The sounds that are working are marked with this:. Sorry, some of these sounds are very soft. You'll have to turn up the volume on your computer or the sound player that comes up (whichever one you prefer).If there are any sounds that you want(that are not working), just e-mail us and we'll see what we can do.
The * denotes an annoying quote.
New sounds!

"The Agenda"Part 2

I'm a cat. I should know better than to trust a dog.
I just kinda wanted to say I'm, I'm sorry about all this. And, well, I promise I'll bring her in with minimal damage, okay?

Oh, don't be an idiot.

Why, you sucker-punching spaniel!

And I am sorry, too. Cheetor: Sorry? For what? Silverbolt: For...THIS!!(punch!) Cheetor? How do you feel? Cheetor: Oh, dizzy! But I'll be okay. Silverbolt: Then I am, again, sorry. Cheetor: Wha? (punch!)

Silverbolt: You shot me!Blackarachnia: No duh, dog-boy! I'm eeevil?

The Original Megatron:
This is Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, and if you are hearing this, it means I've failed, this time(laughs). But I know that transwarp technology is being developed, and so I leave this message to any Decepticon decendants that may find...may find...may find...may find...may find...may find...(click)

Decepticons, forever!! (cool transforming sounds and music)

"The Agenda" Part 3

(gun thrown away)Now, ya stinkin' Decepticon piece of cheese! Let's see how you stand up against this stainless steel rat! Hee hee.
aaaaaAAAAAH! Ah, my hero!(smack) Rhinox: Oh, get down.

What is it with guys and high explosives?

Ha ha ha ha! Say goodbye to the universe, Maximals! The future has changed. Yess. The Autobots lose! Evil triumphs! And you, you no longer EXIST!!
And now, Optimus Prime, in memory of the Decepticons, for the glooory of the Predacons, for the Cybertrons that is rightfully ours, and mine to rule...Optimus: C'mon, c'mon!! Megatron:...I unleash the storm of vengeance...farewell.

"The Agenda" Part 1

Forget him, big R, you and I can go to the six lasers over at Cybertron amusement park. There's the Space Slide, and the Galaxy Coasters, and-!Rattrap: Kid! Don't make me hurt you.

After the Great War, a few Deceptacons were granted amnesty. Most have retired, but rumors have it that one was reprogrammed and a Predacon!
The attack will come. But it may be subtle.(crashes, yells, explosions, yells) Like I said, subtle.

Hey, if you take that broomstick out of your tailpipe every once in a while, you might have some fun for a change!

This is it. We're going home.

Hmmm. Cyberton. The home I have never known.

(laugh)Sorry, chump dog, but I like being a bad girl. And you know something else? Somewhere, deep beneath the squeaky clean outer plating of yours, I think you like it too. Hmm?*
You bellowed? Megatron: I did, yes.

Tripredicus Council:
(1)Tripredicus Council now in session. (2)The transwarp wavefront that disrupted this station has been identified. Signature matches that of the ship stolen by Megatron.

"Code of Hero"

Crab Legs and Crabby, all you can eat!
There's...there's gotta be something we can do.

(tires screeching)Tarantulas: You'll pay for this, lizard! Dinobot: Shut up and accelerate.

Dinobot against six preds. There won't be enough left of him to make a toaster!

Remember that transwarp cell explosion?...Okay, stupid question.

So close. I was soooo cloooose!
Hmmm, my ears are burning. Yesss. Why, Dinobot! What a delightful surprise! Let's see. Where are we now? I have the golden disk, I have the power to change the future, and the only remaining obstacle in my path to unimaginable glory... is yourself.
One lonely turncoat, battling on against impossible odds. I'm almost...touched. Fortunately, such moments pass quickly.

Megatron: I expect a visit from Cybertron. Rampage: I eagerly anticipate your imminent demise, then!


Fly? Flyyy!
Friend. Good....Friend. Dark.

What in the name of my great aunt Arcee is going on here?!
Ya mean it's no fault of his! Ha ha, ha ha! Get it? Fault? Earthquake? Hello! Quickstrike: Yes, I...I see! Ha ha! Most amusing! Rattrap: Sheesh.
Oh, thank you Mr. Sunshine! But this isn't exactly a tea party we've got breaking out here!

Heh heh, you will be too busy buurning to prevent it!

Have I told you how much I like ant? Huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of neck fluid and grated gears?

"Other Visits: Part 2"

Optimus and Rattrap:
O: We could try knocking. R: Yeah, like Megs is gonna invite us in for oil and cookies.
O: Let's do it. R: Ooh, we'll tink of something, he says. Now isn't that just prime.

Oh man, when these alien gizmos blow, hm hm, they really blow!

I am the power.
Ah, a show of massive force. Direct and to the point. I do like these aliens!

Waspinator not think this job so important. Inferno: Every job for the royalty is a gift.*I'm not sure this is what he says. Waspinator: That bot is major suckup.

"Other Visits: Part 1"

It's like I always say, we're all gonna die....I know, I know, shut up Rattrap.

Being loyal to Megatron sure is boring.
Megatron:We have no time for Maximals now. Blackarachnia:When do we ever? Except, maybe for that hunky, silver...

Blackarachnia:Ready to rock and roll, insect? Inferno:I don't rock and roll, I burn!

Oh! You act out of hate! Excellent. That's an emotion I can trust.
I, uh, I come in peace!
No need for violence, Rhinox. I merely wish to talk! Rhinox:Go ahead, it's a free planet. I'm busy. (loud screech) Megatron:Ah! Stop it, maximal fool!
Blast that scheming spider! How dare he defies me! Inferno:Say the word, my queen, and he shall burn! Megatron:Not just yet. And for the last time, stop calling me that! Inferno:As you command, my-(slam!)

Wazzpinator pinned like island butterfly!

"Maximal, No More"

Predacons live to command.
From this moment on, I am Maximal no more.

Nothing like travelling transmetal first class, eh? Hee, hee, hee! Care for a cushion, maybe a little hot oil?
Oh, for bootin' up cold! You know how I feel about lizard-breath! You can't trust him...and he smells bad. Then there's the teeth! You ever seen him eat?
Ahhh, I love that guy.

Inferno, aid Quickstrike.Inferno:Yes, my queen.Dinobot:I was not aware you were given yourself a new title!Megatron:The ant has faulty programming. Ahem.

Stand your ground, traitor! Dinobot:You're on my ground, insect.
Ah, a traitor and a rat!

That bot sure does talk peculiar.

Wazzpinator not serve, Wazzpinator RUUULES!!

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