The Invincible Rumble Fish | reestablished 28.Oct.05 | Band | History | media

    The Invincible Rumble Fish

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"Mission To Russia" originally recorded in 1986 (c) by TIRF
This is one of the rare recordings of these times...
Mission To Russia (1986)

"DivingAway" originally recorded in 1992 (c) by Radt/A.Lehner/F.Lehner
Short snippet from the (for these times) breathtaking videoclip
DivingAway (1992)

"Sucking On Arrow" recorded in 1994 (c) TIRF
live taped by radiostation SWR3
Sucking On Arrow (1994)

"4ThoseWhoChose2Pose" (c) 2004 Radt
It is the song that announced the return of Dr. Faust and The Mean in 2004...
4ThoseWhoChose2Pose (2004)