.........Retired on Captain's half-pay still, Holiday at Cleeve House, discussing politics with "Old" Morrison {in 6 months Baron Paisley, doleing out the Rhino in the right places} & D'Israeli about becoming a Member of Parliament, intimate of "Fanny" Locke {later Mrs. "Fanny" Duberly, Victorian heroine, campaigner, & "army wife extraordinary"} the area is perfect for picnic's from a-horse. Tricked by Morrison & Capt. J. C. Spring M. A. into sailing as Super-Cargo on the "merchant trader" {blackbirder!!} Balliol College. Traded for a load of "Black Ivory" with Dahomeyan slaver Chief Gezo & fought his Amazon Army, West Africa {Spring traded a case of Adam's revolvers & the cockney cabin-boy [incognito runaway from public-school John Sebastian Moran] fore six of the Amazon warriors to add to the rest} running battle all the back to the coast. Sold "Black Ivory" in Roatan, the Fancies to Havana if we hadn't been taken to New Orleans after the U.S. Navy boarded & seized the Balliol College, anti-slave trade inquiry to be held. Presented Royal Navy agent papers stating that an anti-slave trade investigation was being conducted & to cooperate with the holder. Met Congressman Abraham Lincoln at the British Embassy while in Washington talking to the Navy Dept. & the Board of Trade about the Middle Passage crossing. Lost the Navy agent on the docks coming back into New Orleans. Found sanctuary at Mrs. Susie Willlinck's place, met Cleonie Grouard a Creole quean.

.........Shanghaied by Underground Railroad leader Mr. Crixus {name of Spartacus's lieutenant} after stepping out for some fresh-air, became a conductor for the New Orleans-New York run. Ran afoul of slave-catcher Peter Omohundro on the steamer Sultana and had to jump ship, intimate of Mrs. Annette Mandeville & overseer on her Georgia plantation {Kinky little Popsy, boots & spurs}. Mississippi-Ohio U.Rr. conductor, took a ball in the backside while crossing the Ohio river evading pursuers, helped by Congressman Abraham Lincoln, convalesced {rear upper thigh wound}. Escorted to New Orleans by U.S. Marshals, compelled to testify at anti-slave trade inquisition, afterwards the Balliol College is free to sail. Board of inquiry wish's to inquire further, personally. Ran afoul of slave-catcher Omohundro in a dock pub where upon Capt. Spring ran him through during the ensuing scuffle {handy things swordcanes}, back to Susie again and sanctuary where Capt. Spring has followed the trail, she slips Spring a Micky Finn & has him shanghaied to South Africa.

ADVANCE at the Canter

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