.........Retired on staff Colonel's half-pay. Controversy over whether or not Cardigan had been seen riding in among the Russian Battery's when the Light Brigade reached them. When confronted about it by Lord George Paget {4th L. D. Comdr.} in a card-room at White's in front of Spottswood & Scarlett etc.. Looking uncomfortable & growling, "It's all by & done with now, ain't it? Let's drop it, George, shall we." Leaving them to believe the worst {Revenge is a dish best Served Cold}. Cut-dead "Lord Haw Haw" when confronted by him in front of the Guards Club. Stating, "I saw you in the advance. In the battery itself — I was otherwise engaged, & had no leisure nor inclination to look about to see who was where. For that matter, I didn't see Lord George himself until he pulled me to my feet. I "assumed" — that you were on hand, at the head of your command. But I do not know, & frankly I do not care", it left him a-goggalin. The "White Washing Board" convenes to re-evaluate the Crimean War. Unfortunately, the government picked the wrong men the first investigation -- MacNeill & Tulloch — fore they turned out to be honest {the High Command wasn't fit} so another commission had to be hurriedly formed to investigate afresh, to get the right answer this time. At the Aldershot Review to crown it all in the middle of the scandal "little Vicky" had words with Lord Hardinge, the Commander-in-Chief who fell down paralysed, never to regain his faculties {not that he had many to start with}.

.........Invited by Victoria & Albert on Hunting Holiday with Elspeth to Balmoral Castle {Elspeth to keep "little Vicky" company}, Met Florence Nightingale during a conversation with "little Vicky" of several hours {a cool piece our Miss Nightingale}. Buttonholed by Ellenborough who suggests teaching cricket to the Russians would civilize them, Albert can't see it, crouching in a field for hours on end, "Oh I don't know, Says I, Good training for a future British Officer who might need one day, to sit quite fore hours in the field on Campaign". Prime Minister Lord Palmerston arrives incognito at our lodgings, troubled about "Chapattis" being passed about in the native regiments, sent on a secret mission to India. Before leaving Russian Envoy Count Ignatieff {Gotched-eyed, Knout crazed hound!} arrives for the hunt & he's spoken with Elspeth who's prattled on all about of our conversation about my having leave for India & plans a hunting accident, escaped.

.........Served Indian Mutiny {Met with Col. "Wild John" Nichalson on the Grand Truk road and discussed the situation as he sees it {last time seen alive}; Political, Advisor & Intimate to Lakshmi bia, Maharani of Jhansi {Fencing as foreplay}, survived Thugee attack with Ilderim Khan's help, Rissalder in an Irregular Cavalry unit. Gathering information as a Black Mountain Pathan, 3rd Native Light Cavalry officer's orderly, survived Mutinies beginning. Found Ilderim, then later Lt. O'toole who was riding with Rowbotham's Mosstroopers dispatching mutineers, rode through Pandy lines & joined besieged Gen. Wheeler, Capt. "Scud" East {hmmm!}. Negotiated surrender with Nana Sahib, Ilderim's murdered, escaped Suttee Ghat river massacre {1 of 24, half of um wounded on board the barge} attacked by"Muggers" swimming in the river after a few of us were separated from the rest while searching fore assistance; Gen. "the Gravedigger" Havelock's staff Intelligence Aide, relief force & siege, confidant Maj. Vincent Eyre; snuck message & Kavanaugh out through Pandy lines to Campbell;. Gen. Campbell's relief force, staff Intelligence Aide, Political, confidant Maj. G. J. Wolseley, Braking the Pandy siege with bitter house-to-house fighting, "the Gravedigger" only last's one day after the relief force arrives; Gen. Rose's staff Intelligence Aide & Political, secret mission to get the Rani out, captured by Count Ignateiff {Knout crazy bastard} & uses Rose's plan to escape with the Rani et. al. in tow, witnessed the Rani's death as she leads a cavalry charge {what a bloody waste}. Mistaken for a Mutineer & almost blown from a cannon {still wearing Black Mountain Pathan costume} the ability to wink saves the day; First learned of the publication of the book "Tom Brown's School Days", being portrayed as the great bully of Rugby; Jhansi, Meerut, Cawnpore, Lucknow, Agra, Jhansi, Gwalior; Victoria Cross, Knighthood.}

ADVANCE at the Gallop!


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