Korn has one of the largest discographies I have ever seen.
So to find a page with all of Korn's records [bootlegs included]
would be impossible. So instead of trying to acheive the impossible
I am just going to have a discography with ONLY bootlegs
and other rare korn music [including, vinyl, demos and such]
I hope this is a suscess, it will require alot of time and effort
and mostly, it will require your help. If you know of or have
any Korn bootlegs please e-mail all the info.
you have on it. That would be GREATLY appriciated
Please have patience while our discography is down
It will be back up as soon as possible, check our news
for further information.
>>Thank you for your patience.
Korn has a very very wide variety of different bootlegs album.
Most of which are recorded live shows
And it would be literally impossible to list them all
No one knows just how many Korn bootlegs there are
The list constantly grows after every live performance
And it is sad to say that Korn doesn't get a cent from any
bootlegs sold.
I do not promote the making of bootlegs, though I do
promote the buying of them. I think that hearing Korn play live
is the most powerful thing you'll ever hear, it's so direct
and, it's the way Korn is supposed to be heard.
Here are some people I know and have traded with before
You kan get buy or trade Korn bootlegs with these people
and count on not getting ripped off
1- E-MAIL- HIVer WEBPAGE- Emomcom Bootlegs
They're are many various other recordings.
Including, Vinyls, Demo/Promo tapes/CD's
Limited edition albums, Unreleased albums
and many more. Unlike Korn's collection of bootlegs
this won't be as difficult to find most of'em.
If you know fo any recordings that is not listed
here please e-mail us the info with the
cover picture. Thank you.