Astro Zombie and Zekith (Alien leader) masks created by Jay Gowey.
Alien guards and good alien masks created by Michael Heagle.
Alien masks and hands detailed by Greg Parker.
The one major stunt we performed was of an unsuspecting motorcycle rider being decapitated by an Astro-Zombie wielding a huge, curved machete. The motorcycle rider was played by Tim Potter, who supplied his own Harley-Davidson Sportster. For the actual "decapitation," we secured the motorcycle to a flatbed trailer, towed behind Tim's pickup that was driven by Tim's brother, Travis. I had fabricated a dummy, with internal tubes for fake blood, and I dubbed him "Bubba." I secured Bubba in a riding position on the bike, and attached some large blood-filled syringes to the tubes that I had run out of Bubba's ankles.

We supplied Ted with a nice soft chair in the bed of the pickup, and I was prone on the trailer next to the motorcycle, along with my assistant, Terry Svejda. We thought it would be ironic for Tim to also be costumed as the Astro-Zombie who lopped the head off the biker, so he was at the roadside, standing on a box I had fabricated to bring him up to the proper level to whack the "biker," now being played by the dummy Bubba.

On our first pass, Ted was a little close to Bubba's head level, so Tim didn't swing the machete. Good thinking on Tim's part; it wouldn't have looked good to have our writer/producer/director seriously injured while shooting. After another set-up and repositioning, we went for another pass. This time, Tim hit the rider's helmet square, and the "head" flew off as Terry and I squeezed the blood-filled syringes for all we were worth. Blood pumped out of the neck, and flew everywhere. After editing, the shot and stunt looked great!
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