Now that my son, Vincent, is over four I finally have an excuse to openly indulge my love of cartoons and comics (not to mention my love of Frosted Flakes). Below you will find links to some of my (and Vince's) favorites. The official Peanuts website offers old strips, email postcards, and lots of neat info.
Laura's Warm Puppy Page (a different Laura) is the ultimate Peanuts collection. She has everything from Snoopy merchandise to the most complete set of links I've seen.
Peanuts Collectors Club A clearinghouse of Peanuts info....


The Kids WB Bugs and Daffy Visit the source.
Jay McCarthy's Non-stick Looney Page Fantastic source of Looney info.
Jon Cooke's WB Cartoon Information Lots of links with great summaries.


The Kids WB Official Animaniacs Page What more can I say?
Tom Madden's Watertower Info to make any Animaniac happy.


Vince worships Toy Story. I'm trying to figure out how in the heck I'll ever clean Woody, and poor Buzz is so battered he rattles when you shake him. Check out:
Disney's Toy Story Page Soundbites, online games and merchandise.
Mark L. Browning's Toy Story Stuff Wallpaper pics and soundbites...
The Movie Sounds Page: Toy Story Lots of wavs.
Disney Ever Notice: Toy Story If you like trivia, check out this site.
OatBran's Disney Page Tons of links to Disney related pages including Toy Story.

Brandie Keys' Pooh's Corner Sound files and songs.
The Page at Pooh Corner Great info on A. Milne and Pooh and a complete set of Pooh links.


There isn't much about Eek on the Web, but here is...
Anthony Murdock's FrEEKwently Asked Questions More than everything you ever wanted to know about Eek.
Eek the Cat Home Page and Virtual Museum Eek toys and Sharky's guide to Eek links.


I wanted to add the comic strips of Cathy and Garfield. I used to live for them (in the days I had time to read the newspaper). Unfortunately, on the web, the references to Cathy and Garfield are rare. Prior to my marriage, Cathy's romantic and work life epitomized mine. Now, I find myself laughing with Andrea's baby and husband troubles. Cathy Guisewite's insight is amazing.

Check out

Garfield is...well... (Grin).
I guess that says it all!

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Last updated 1/18/99