About this site

About this site


The e-mail I have been getting shows that some seem to misunderstand this site. Some people think that I am Valeria Golino, but it isnt so. Let me be clear on this : I am in no way affiliated with Valeria Golino or her agency; I doubt that she even knows the site excists.  I am just a guy who thought that it could be fun to do a site on her ;) - and NO I dont give out her e-mail address or her private address and /or phone. Sorry, guys ! But  I can list the address of her US & Italian agency:

Creative Artist Agency
9830 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills
CA 90212 (USA)
Tel. 310-288-4545
Fax 310-288-4800

Carol Levi & Company srl
V. Giuseppe Pisanelli 2
00196 Roma RM
Tel. +39.06.36002430
Fax +39.06.36002438