Foilman's Video Clips

Recently, we made our own version of the Budweiser "Whassup?" advert, featuring some very English guys going "What is up?", watching cricket, and drinking tea... Basically it's a shot-for-shot remake of the original advert!!

Download WHAT IS UP? (2MB zipped MPEG)
(Alternatively, try this better quality DivX compressed .avi - 3.7MB
- you'll need the latest DivX codec to play it)

Another parody of a famous commercial is our "Diet Coke" ad.  It's also available here to download... (we didn't film all of this one ourselves....!)

Download DIET COKE (1MB zipped MPEG)

About the advert: the star of the advert is Geraint Pritchard, who also appears briefly in Foiled as "student with can".  The very first shot through the window shows him stepping into the centre of the picture - briefly visible on the far left side is Nick Stocker, the zombie star of "Saturday Night Zombies", the TV programme Jimmy watches at the beginning of Foiled.

If you like spoofs and parodies, you'll probably also enjoy our "Star Wars Fan Film" - an amusing 20 minute movie set in a Universe not unlike that seen in Star Wars.  It's called The Jedi Who Loved Me and you can find it at this web site.

Also available to download here is the Foiled Trailer.  I've compressed it down into a very low quality 160x120 MPEG file to keep download times to a minimum (and it's zipped too, so you'll need WinZip).

Download the FOILED TRAILER (1.3MB zip)

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