This is where you can get great honest reveiws on Leo's work. They are in order from most recent. All movies are rated out of 5 stars. I know alot of you may not agree with what is said here, but please, no nasty letters. Thanks and enjoy.

TITANICdecember 1997 staring Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane and Kathy Bates. This film was destined to sink from the start, in more then one way. James Cameron, who is know for making extreamly expensive B rate movies, decided that he needed a change of pace. 200 million dollers later and 5 months over due, Tiatanic was finished. It was well worth the wait. From the acting to the fantastic costumes, this film had it all. Well almost. Lets just say that Cameron should stick to directing. The script was to polished and as a result took away from the film. But other than that it was great. Leo was first rate, playing the character Jack, a poor painter who falls in love with Rose a first class girl caught in a bad relationship. Although this isn't his best work ever, it proved once again that he is more than just a pretty face. Kate Winslet was also amazing at playing Rose. The two of them were perfect for the parts. With a running time of just over three hours, some people say it was way too long. Those people are wrong! It's of perfect lenghth. In the movie, Leo has a line that says "Make it count." The way Leo is acting, he truly is. All in all, I highly recomend it and give it **** stars

MARVINS ROOMmarch 1997 starring Diane Keaton, Mearl Streep, Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert DiNiro Marvins room tells the truly heart warming story of a family and there problems. Leo plays a troubled teen who is trying to figure himself and the world around him out. It was fantastic. Everyone gave amazing performances. Especially Leo. It was very sad and a little bit depressing, but in the end it realy made you realize how precious life is. I truly injoyed it and I give it **** stars.

WILLIAM SHAKSPERS'S ROMEO AND JULIET starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes Romeo and Juliet is the film that launched Leo in to super stardom. It the movie, he plays Romeo, the hopless romantic that most girls can only dream of to the lucky Claire Danes who played Juliet. ONly there's a twist. The story from the Elizabethian era is now in modern times showing how truly universal Shakspear is The acting in this film was fantastic as were the sets and the must have soundtrack.I truly recomend it and give it **** stars

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