Click on picture to hear an audio introduction from Ross Klate

Available for solo piano work.

I call it Cocktail Piano. You can call it Elevator Music, if you must. I play standards from Tin-Pan Alley, Light pop from 60’s and 70’s (simplified), Latin (simplified), and Classical (drastically simplified). Might even do some of my very own original compositions, provided the crowd is real small. Hey, you name it; and if I don’t know it, I’ll fake it.
$29.95 / hour, plus 99¢ / mile travel from Spartanburg, South Carolina.

E-mail me at or

Phone me at: 864-587-0525, 8:00-17:00 EST or at: 864-574-3417, 5:30-7:00, 18:00-23:00 EST (Se habla español [un poquito])


Also available--sometimes--as a member of the Kings III, a piano-bass-drums-vocal trio. And in case you’re counting, the drummer sings. Be sure to ask for me by name, or you might get their regular piano player. He can play piano better than I can, but I can play basketball better than he can.

$129.95 / hour (for the whole band, not just me.)

Phone: Sam Aiken



Also available as a Programming Consultant. I do COBOL (mainframe or P.C.), Access, Excel, Sybase SQL, BASIC (simplified), and FORTRAN (drastically simplified). Hey, you name it; and if I don’t know it, I’ll fake it. Just a reminder: less than 1048 days until January 1, 2000.

$49.95 / hour

Contact: same as above.


Also available as a Paid Assassin. I specialize in Bulk E-mail Spammers. Rates provided upon request.


Click here for more information about me.

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