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Rochelle McLean - 12/09/00 11:31:11
Your Favorite X-Files Episode: All of them
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: Of course not

I want Mulder and Scully get together. I really feel that they have feelings for each other

charlie myers - 12/02/00 12:20:48
Your Favorite X-Files Episode: closure
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: hopefully!

ye yours is the best of the ones i've seen keep going

Kato The Lazy Infamous Sly Stupid Dragon Eyed Monk - 10/11/00 14:13:42
Your E-Mail Addy: KatoDrags@aol.com
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: Obviously he's dead. Common logic suggests Mulder's death.


Kato The Lazy Infamous Sly Stupid Dragon Eyed Monk - 10/11/00 14:13:34
Your E-Mail Addy: KatoDrags@aol.com
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: Obviously he's dead. Common logic suggests Mulder's death.


Anusha - 10/04/00 11:04:06
Your E-Mail Addy: Anusha_128@hotmail.com
Your Favorite X-Files Episode: Dod Kalm
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: Nooooo!

I think your X-Files page is really cool! Mulder can't be dead - who's gonna look after Scully's baby? Anyway, I look forward to seeing him in the next series.

Rebecca - 08/01/00 19:42:15
My Email:n/a
Your E-Mail Addy: earnshawrebecca@hotmail.com
Your Favorite X-Files Episode: Can't remember the name but it is the one where a man tries 2 rip out Scullys heart
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: NO

Totally fab page

dks916 - 06/15/00 03:36:23
My URL:www.geocities.com/dks916
My Email:the x-files site
Your E-Mail Addy: dks916@yahoo.com
Your Favorite X-Files Episode: beyond the sea
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: um...no

great site! great site.

sheri - 04/27/00 22:28:18

David Duchovny did an interview with drDrew.com where he said the plot of the X-Files is getting a little thin and that he might not be back for another season. Check out the whole interview at: http://www.drdrew.com/publish/profiles/A623.html

Get Paid to Surf - 03/22/00 22:10:40
My URL:http://www5.ewebcity.com/zolrak/internacional.htm
My Email:Get money
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: no

This site is wonderfull.I believe in this site because I'm a Alien

Amber - 03/02/00 23:15:33
Your E-Mail Addy: chance_16_2000@yahoo.com
Your Favorite X-Files Episode: firewalker
Do You Think Mulder's Really Dead?: no, not at all

I really love the show. I have seen every episode and most of them I have seen more than once. The relationship between Mulder and Scully is more than a friendship. I hate the fact that Chris Carter has said that there will never be anything romantic betw en the two of them. I think it is a terrific show and I do not want it to end. If any one has an opinion on the show, feel free to write. Amber

10/25/98 10:53:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/30/98 11:44:47
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

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