Read this page carefully and you'll learn very little about us. You will find no biographical data, no dull trivia about our mundane lives, and absolutely no sharing violations. And unlike most of our other pages, you'll find that this one is very low on content. There are only links and a couple of pieces of dubious humor. We can't even say we're making up for it with style. Yes, perhaps we are evil. We have lured you into a useless vanity page.
How do you crush a grape?
Tell it you don't love it anymore
But really it was Phil Ward who dubbed us Twins of Evil, being something of a Hammer Horror fan, and having a healthy respect for our sometimes wicked creative abilities. Phil is a member of our favorite band The High Lonesome
Our Favorite DestinationsHere on Geocities: Our Star Trek PagesResources: Internet Movie Database Evil Places: Port Charles | eBay | Imedia |
Evil Twin LinksTwins of Evil - IMDbTwins of Evil On-Line Fact Sheet Twins in General Twins - Separated at Birth Evil Twins The Truth is out there |
You have reached Thank you for visiting our little page. What's worth copyrighting is by Teresa and Tracy Murray 2000-2004. (T 'n' T) We can be reached at T 'n' T
If we were truly evil we'd have an annoying song embedded in this page on a loop, and little animations that do nothing except make the page take longer to upload.... We'll work on it.