The Mr. October Home Page

Some people have a bad day. Zack has a bad month. The same one every year. Until he meets Carly, and learns "that you make your own luck."

Welcome to the official Mr. October Home Page. Mr. October is a 20 minute romantic comedy, that was created on 16mm color film at the University of Southern California. Mr. October was directed by Chris Angel and written by Fred Cheng. It was created entirely by students at the USC film school in LA, CA.

Mr. October is now streaming on Atom Films. Check it out and watch the whole twenty minute film at theAtom Films Mr. October Site.

We are also developing a feature film versions and are proud to announce that Mr. October feature script was one of the winners of the Blockbuster-McKnight Film Development Grant for 1998. Mr. October was also one of the participants at the IFFCON film financing conference in San Francisco this January Check out IFFCON's website

Mr. October won a Student Academy Award!
Mr October was the winner of a student Oscar. This means that Mr. October was screened along with the other Award Winning films at the Samuel Goldwyn Theatre at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and sciences at an awards ceremony June 8th, 1997.
Please look at the Academy's Press Release
Read the Rules of the Student Academy Awards
or visit the web site of
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (with frames)
or AMPAS (without frames)

Also New on the site - some large JPEGs of color stills from the movie! Check them out:
Zack and Carly Together
Death uncovers Carly
Zack in the hall of mirrors
Zack and Dracula

Mr. October had a successful world premiere atFilm Fest New Haven on Saturday April 5th, 1997 in New Haven CT. Audience reaction was very strong, and people travelled from as far away as Boston, Maryland, Philadelphia, and New York City.

Find out more about Mr. October's Premiere

Here's what else you can find on the Mr. October movie web site:

More about the story & production

Why did we make this film (film fest humor)?

Bios on those involved

How about some of Mr. October's favorite links?

The Fear: Halloween Night (also directed by Chris Angel

IMDB page on "Twist of Faith," also directed by Chris Angel

Myths and Legends

The Encylopedia Mythica

The Film Festivals Server


The LA Grim Society

and of course


More to come on this page soon, so stay tuned. Coming attractions include more graphics and info on upcoming Chris Angel films. Perhaps some info on October legends. Also, news of the upcoming Mr. October feature.

Thanks for visiting Mr. October.

Remember, "you make your own luck."

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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