Welcome to the new Ruff House site!!

This is McKenna's section of the page. McKenna was the major inspiration of the page, so you can expect to see the return of new and improved popular sections such as "Ask McKenna" in which you can ask our pretty pooch questions regarding your pets, or pets can ask questions regarding their owners. "Paws around the world", to put it simply, this is a links page to all of McKenna's favourite pages, we take no responsibility for these pages or what McKenna might tell you if you ask her a question, and the "Whine Gallery" makes it's return with such classics as "The Whine" and "McKenna Lisa".

"McKenna's movie reviews" is a new section that will replace our original movie review section where you got our rather boring take on the current movies. McKenna hopes to bring a spark to these reviews with "The Rat Comments" and "Nose and Tail wrap-ups". These will hopefully cover new Theatre movies, video releases and current cable favourites. Be warned however, we cannot guarantee that McKenna will keep the ending a secret, but we will try and maintain editorial control. This brings us to another new section, a, thus far, nameless section that will allow McKenna to give you a commentary from a dogs-eye view of the world in general. We are not sure what this pedigree pup may write about, but however infrequent, or obscure, you can be sure that it will be interesting.