Special Effects & Production Artwork




Special Effects are supported by Lucas Company Industrial Light and Magic (ILM). I have information directly from 2 members of ILM who visited the Star Wars Con in Germany: They said that Star Wars is going to be huge and they meant VERY HUGE! Star Wars will have 1500 - 2000 !!! effect shots (ROTJ: 250; ID4: 300) and one half of ILM is working on the prequels, that means 400 men/women. Up to now, the special effects have reached the 30% mark. To the beginning of the shooting it should be 50% completed. Another source mentioned that the opening sequence starts as usual with "a long time ago..." and the scrolling yellow writings are also there. The opening sequence will be 100% CGI and is some kind of a very huge space battle. At the time of the last update 12 minutes of CGI footage had been completed.



This picture shows Director, Producer and Storywriter George Lucas and Executive Producer Rick McCallum walking around in the workshop. In the background you can spot a new vehicle model with very huge engines.

  The mentioned vehicle model is shown in this picture as a sketch painting. I donīt think that this one is a starship either it could be some kind of atmospheric craft like the cloudcars. The design underlines Lucasī quote that the vehicles are more bulky than the ones in the old trilogy because they have to look like old technology.
This little painting shows a scene, which probably is the opening scene of the first movie. You can see a big shuttle or personal carrier on the planet Coruscant, the Center of the Old Republic government. This picture is taken from the Time magazine (first official Prequel picture). For more info and more pictures of Coruscant click the picture.


One of the most interesting things should be the Cosmic Beings which are 100% computer animated.
Another source mentioned that different characters will wear CG clothes, which means they take real actors and support them with a computer animated outfit. Sounds interesting.


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