The best Star Wars pages on the net:

Red 5 supports the news-hungry Star Wars fan with lots of information.
Jedinet contains several sections like Multimedia, Collectibles, Chat, etc.
The Star Wars page at Texas A&M comes up with sections compareable to Jedinet´s.
The Official Star Wars Trilogy Website. This one isn´t updated very often but they
want to change this soon and support the fans with official information about the new
Prequel Trilogy.
If you are looking for new Star Wars games, go for
If you are searching a specific Star Wars related page, this is one of the best choices.
Lots of Links to Star Wars pages in alphabetical order.



Miscellaneous pages:

If there is somebody who knows everything about upcoming movies, then it is HarryJay Knowles. He offers the latest rumors on his page called Ain´t it cool news.
Corona´s Coming Attraction come up with the latest rumors about new films.
Yahoo - Entertainment Summary is updated every day and is a good source, too.
This is the website, from which I download the latest movie - trailers. Step into the
Trailer Park and look around. It´s a good place to catch the latest.
This is a good source for information about upcoming games.
Milkyway´s Homepage deals always with his "Favorite game at the moment".
I hope he uploads his new X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter page soon. It´s a page from
one of my friends; try it out.




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