The Video Producer's Consulting Ring

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The Video Consulting Ring VideoStore in Association with

The Video Producer's Consulting Ring brings together the best movie, video, software and hardware production-related support sites out there. If your organization specializes in the movie and video production business or you have computer support services expertise, you are invited to join the Video Producer's Consulting Ring.

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What's a Web Ring?

A web ring is a group of World Wide Web sites that have a common theme. They are typically linked together through a logo image or text identifying them as members. You start with one site and then you move to another site via special HTML code each member has inserted on their page. Eventually you will get back to the page you started with - hence, a "web ring." See, for example, one of the largest web rings, The WebRing© homepage for more information.

To Join the Video Producer's Consulting Ring - You know you want to!

There are 2 steps.

First, you have to submit your site to The Video Producer's Consulting Ring queue.

Hmmm...What is a queue anyway?

It's the "holding tank" sites wait to be officially added to The Video Producer's Consulting Ring while the Ringmaster determines if they should officially enter the Ring.

The password you choose allows you to edit your site, right from the "Member Utility" link on this page. Don't forget it! If you have any problems, contact the The Video Producer's Consulting Ring Manager.

Second, once you submit your site to The Video Producer's Consulting Ring queue, you will receive the HTML code for The Video Producer's Consulting Ring which you must add to your site in order to be officially added to The Video Producer's Consulting Ring.

Copy the code and place it on your page. The Ringmaster will "visit" your site 1 or 2 days after you submit your site to the queue. If you have The Video Producer's Consulting Ring HTML code on your page and your page contains something about video consulting, production, or production-related hardware and software support, you will be officially added to the ring.

Note: If The Video Producer's Consulting Ring HTML code isn't added, your site will be removed. Remember, all members suffer if there is a gap in the continuity of the ring. Of course, if your site contains offensive material, you will be removed from the queue.

When The Video Producer's Consulting Ring HTML code is placed on your site it will look like this:

The Video Producer's Consulting Ring

This Video Producer's Consulting Ring site
is owned by YOUR NAME.

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Want to join the ring? Get the info.

Next Site

This Video Producer's Consulting Ring site owned by YOUR NAME.
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That's all there is to it.

Now Click Here to Join the Ring!

Member Utilities

Members: Click here to edit your site information.

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© Copyright 1998-2004. Morton H. Levitt. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of the author is prohibited. Animated graphics provided by the Animation Factory and Arcadia Animations.