Magic Shows


These are some of the routines B&B Magic has performed. Perhaps you've seen some of these great effects. They are customized for each performance to fit time restraints and for maximum audience participation and enjoyment. These aren't all the tricks we perform, so a return engagement is a definite possibility!


Click on the green dot for a trick description




Date: May 1, 1999

Date: May 15, 1999

Date: Sept. 23, 1999

Date: Nov. 6, 1999

Type: Birthday (Joshua and Elijah)

Type: Birthday (Katie)

Type: 50th Anniversary

Type: Church Party

Attendance: 18

Attendance: 12

Attendance: Approx. 60

Attendance: Approx. 70

Duration: 1 hour 30 min

Duration: 1 hour

Duration: 30 min + tables

Duration: 45 min + tables









Rope Restoration

Rope Restoration

Hand Flasher

Hand Flasher

Cut & Restored Rope

Cut & Restored Rope

Mental Animal




Cut & Restored Rope

Mental Animal

Professor's Nightmare

Professor's Nightmare

Ropes Through Body




Needle Through Arm

Escape Routine

Ropes Through Body

Ropes Through Body

Jumbo Coin Flurry




Copper/Silver Transpo

Cut & Restored Rope

Sponge Ball Routine

Sponge Ball Routine

Expansion of Texture




The Web

Ropes Through Body

The Web

The Web

Kundalini Rising

Needle Through Arm


Presto Prediction

U.F.O. Routine




Cards From Mouth

The Web

Tick-Tock Clock

Secret Writing



Impromptu Speller

Impromptu Speller

Table Hopping

Rising Card

Card on Ceiling

Card on Ceiling



Kundalini Rising



Card on Ceiling


Haunted Hanky I & II


Magician's Insurance

Card Through Silk I & II

Cardtoon II



Diminishing Returns

U.F.O. Routine


Square Circle Production

Cardtoon II



Vanishing Glass

Svengali Hypnosis

Cut Coin



Decked Out

Nickels to Dimes


Vanishing Silk

Haunted Hanky I & II

Electronic Rating Pen


Scotch & Soda

Hover Card

Chop Cup


Cut Coin





Card Warp

Pencil Through Quarter


Snap Flash

Cut Coin

Okito Box Routine


Floating Dollar

Nickels to Dimes

Dishonest Abe


Linking Rings Routine

Vanishing Silk




Chop Cup

Linking Rings Routine


Table Hopping






Cups & Balls Routine



Wild Wallet




Scotch & Soda Watch








Electronic Rating Pen




Dishonest Abe








Linking Ring Routine








Cups & Balls Routine







Effect Descriptions

Rope Restoration

A length of rope is shown and can be examined. The magician (or a spectator) cuts the rope in half. The magician tosses the two pieces in the air where they visibly restore. The rope is then passed out for examination.

Cut and Restored Rope

A length of rope is shown and can be examined. The magician gathers the rope in his hand and a spectator cuts the rope in half. The magician quickly restores the rope. Then he ties the ends of the rope together creating a loop. He cuts the rope in half and just as before restores the rope right in front of the spectators. This is a great trick!


Professor's Nightmare

The magician shows three pieces of rope, each piece of a different length. He magically transforms the three unequal length pieces into three equal length pieces. Each piece is clearly seen. The magician then returns the three pieces to their unequal lengths.

Escape Routine

The magician is able to escape from something, and then the magician causes something to escape from someone else!

Rising Card

With static electricity (and a shocking experience) the magician causes a selected card to rise out of the deck.

Square Circle Production

This is a classic magic prop. The magician pulls objects from an empty box! Very cool!

Vanishing Glass

A full glass of liquid and a silk are all that's required to create a stunning piece of magic. The full glass is covered by the silk and suddenly it's gone!

Scotch & Soda

This is a special way of presenting a special trick. A fifty cent piece and a Mexican centavo are all that's used. Don't blink or you'll miss the moment the magic happens!

Magician's Insurance

The magician is having trouble locating a card! It's a good thing he's bought insurance!

Snap Flash

The hands are shown empty, then KABOOM!

Floating Dollar

A borrowed dollar bill actually floats in midair! It happens so close it's unreal!

Ropes Through Body

The magician displays two lengths of rope. The ropes are threaded down the sleeves of a jacket, which is then worn by a spectator. With a quick tug, the ropes pass through flesh, bone, and cloth. Really cool!

Sponge Ball Routine

This fun routine always gets the audience smiling and scratching their heads. Small red sponge balls jump from hand to hand (including magician to spectator!), multiply and divide to the delight of everyone. Kids really like this one!

The Web

Not for the faint of heart! If you have a fear of spiders, this one's not for you! This is an effect that produces one of the best reactions you'll ever see. Have a camera ready, and don't blink.


The magician allows the spectator to try his or her hand at magic. All of the magic happens in the spectator's hand. A selected card is lost in the deck and found by the spectator (behind his or her back).

Presto Prediction

The magician defies all odds by predicting the future. A card is chosen by the magician and placed on the table. The spectator then guides the magician to another card. It would be really cool if the cards matched, wouldn't it?


A spectator selects a card. The magician explains how he once tried an experiment with a copy machine. The cards were placed on the machine and a photocopy was made. The photocopy shows all face-up cards and one face-down card. The photocopy is turned over...

Tick-Tock Clock

A playing card clock (with a central 'mystery' card) is dealt on the table by the magician. A spectator mentally selects an hour on the clock. The clock is collected and placed down again, this time face down. As if by magic, the mystery card and the chosen card change places!

Secret Writing

Writing magically appears on a blank piece of paper.

Impromptu Speller

A card is chosen by a spectator. It is shuffled into the deck. The magician tries to locate the card. When normal methods of location fail to find the card, the magician resorts to spelling. Ever have a card spelled out to you? When you see this, you'll never forget it!

Card on Ceiling

This is a reputation maker by itself. A card is signed by a spectator. It is returned to the deck. It magically jumps from the middle of the deck to the top. It is placed back in the middle and again returns to the top. It is placed back in the middle and the deck is secured with a rubber band. With a quick toss, the card not only jumps to the top of the deck, but off the deck and onto the ceiling! The card can be identified by the signature. You've got to see this one to believe it!


Kundalini Rising

The magician invites a spectator to select a card. It is returned to the deck and placed in the card case. The spectator holds the card case above his or her head and concentrates on the selected card. The card slowly rises from the card case. Everything can be examined. This one is spooky and shouldn't be missed!


Card Through Silk I & II

The magician causes a selected card to penetrate not only the card case, but also a silk handkerchief. The magician then visibly pulls an indifferent card through the cloth. Not only does the card penetrate the cloth, but the previous selected card jumps back through as well!

Diminishing Returns

This is one that gets talked about after the show! A deck of cards is shown and a card is selected. The card is placed on the table is the rest of the deck visibly shrinks! The card is returned to the deck of miniature cards, clearly showing the miracle that happened. The deck is spread and now the selected card has shrunk and the rest of the deck has grown back to normal size! The selected card is removed and (with a magical gesture) instantly returns to the original size. You'll be rubbing your eyes after seeing this one!


Cardtoon II

A card is freely chosen by a spectator. The back of the deck is shown to be printed with a very small assistant. As the deck is riffled, the assistant (disregarding his own safety) grabs a deck of cards, jumps into a cannon, throws the cards in the air, is fired from the cannon, grabs a card in midair and lands on his feet (well, sort of). He turns over the card he grabbed and...

*Kids absolutely love this trick!*

Svengali Hypnosis

Ever been hypnotized? Well, with this trick it's hard to say who's hypnotized; the spectator or the deck of cards! A card is selected and the hypnosis begins. The card is returned to the deck and the entire deck magically changes to the same card. The magician breaks the spell and the deck is shown to be back to it's original state.

Decked Out

The magician shows a shuffled red-backed deck. A card is selected. The magician explains how easy it is to determine the identity of the chosen card. He spreads the deck and it is now a blue-backed deck (it's really easy to determine the identity when it's the only red-backed card in a blue-backed deck!). Then he spreads the deck face up and the deck runs in perfect order, with one card missing (it's REALLY easy to determine the identity when the deck is in perfect order and only one card is missing)! This is a fun trick!


Haunted Hanky I & II

The magician demonstrates how ghosts can assist the magician perform his magic. A card is selected and placed in the center of the deck. It is wrapped in a hanky. Amazingly, you'll actually see the card jump from the middle to the top of the deck! The trick is repeated, but this time the card stays in the middle. However, the card has flipped over so it is face up! This one is spooky!

Hover Card

A card is selected by a spectator. The card is lost in the center of the deck. With a magical gesture, the card jumps to the top of the deck. It is placed back in the center and again jumps to the top of the deck. The magician then causes the card to float off the top of the deck and magically hover in midair! The card gently floats down to the top of the deck and is handed out for inspection. This one's really cool!

U.F.O. Routine

A card is passed out for inspection. It then performs some pretty amazing feats! The card actually levitates in midair! Seeing is believing!

Card Warp

The magician demonstrates how cards can be folded. Two cards (folded in half) are placed together. Then the magic happens! The inner card actually folds the opposite way while trapped inside the outer card. It is truly amazing!

Cut Coin

The magician wraps a coin in paper and invites a spectator to cut the coin in half. Really quick but really cool.

Nickels to Dimes

The magician shows a stack of nickels. He places a brass cylinder over the stack and magically the nickels become dimes! If only it worked with paper money!

Vanishing Silk

The magician shoves a bright silk into his fist. The silk vanishes. He makes a fist and out pops the silk!

Chop Cup

The magician drops a ball into a cup. He removes the ball (setting the cup on the table) and puts it in his pocket. He lifts the cup and there's the ball! This is repeated again and again with a startling finale.

Electronic Rating Pen

The magician rates a spectator from one to ten with a fountain pen and a penny (everyone starts as a 'one'). This is quick and fun.


The magician shows a multi-colored rod. A color is selected and with a wave the entire rod magically turns the same color! With a shake the wand returns to it's original state.

Wild Wallet

The magician shows a wallet and some pictures of animals. The animals are placed in the wallet and they magically change places.

Scotch & Soda Watch

Scotch & Soda is a fantastic effect. A fifty-cent piece and a Mexican centavo are shown and placed in the magician's hand. He squeezes and the centavo vanishes! Did you watch? If you did, you'll know where to find the centavo!


The magician shows a cube with ESP symbols printed on it. A symbol is secretly chosen by a spectator and placed in a black box. The magician cannot see inside the box, yet is able to correctly determine the chosen symbol.

Pencil Through Quarter

A pencil is shown to penetrate a borrowed quarter (yep, a borrowed quarter...heck, it can even be a borrowed pencil!). It happens right in front of the audience! You won't believe it 'til you see it!

Okito Box Routine

A fifty-cent piece penetrates the bottom of a pewter coin box and the magician's hand! It even penetrates the coin box and a deck of cards! The coin then vanishes from sight with some 'invisibility powder'.

Dishonest Abe

The magician relates a tale of counterfeiting. The crooks counterfeited pennies (hey, who looks at a penny!) but were caught by the magician. The longer you look at the penny, the more obvious it becomes. This one is a personal favorite and gets a great response.

Linking Ring Routine

This is Ben's signature effect. This trick is guaranteed to baffle audiences. Large metal rings are shown and passed out. Try as they might, spectators cannot link the rings, yet it is a simple task for the magician. After linking them, spectators cannot unlink them! This is a fantastic routine that is sure to amaze.

Hand Flasher

This is a great way to start off a show with a bang! The magician shoots off a blazing fireball from his hand. Very visual (and quite loud, too!).

Mental Animal

This is a great mentalism effect that involves every single spectator. Sure a magician can read minds, but can he read everyone's mind at the same time?

Needle Through Arm

Not for the faint of heart! The magician demonstrates the ability to control pain by plunging a long needle through his arm. Blood freely squirts as the magician slides the needle back and forth through his arm. Very gruesome! Don't try this at home!

Jumbo Coin Flurry

This is a great coin routine. A fifty cent piece appears out of nowhere and vanishes only to keep returning to the magician. It even penetrates through cloth. The surprise ending is the best part!

Copper/Silver Transpo

A fifty cent piece is given to one spectator, a copper English penny is given to a different spectator. With a magical gesture, the coins trade places. This can take place clear across the room!

Expansion of Texture

A fifty cent piece and a copper English penny are placed in a silk. Magically, one of the coins penetrates the cloth. It is repeated, only this time the coin invisibly penetrates and arrives inside with the other coin (with a loud CLINK!)

Table Hopping

This isn't a trick, but rather a presentation. B&B Magic will go from table to table entertaining the spectators during dinner. Each table gets to experience a handful of the tricks B&B Magic performs. This is great for large gatherings.

Cards from Mouth

The magician shows his mouth empty. Suddenly, a cascade of cards pour from his mouth!

Cups & Balls Routine

This is Brandon's signature effect. This trick is over 5,000 years old and is as good as it gets. Three cups and three balls create a fantastic illusion of impossible solid-through-solid penetrations, transpositions and productions. The balls melt through the solid cups, jump from cup to cup (or from the magician's pocket to cup!) and magically transform in the amazing finale. This trick is guaranteed to leave the audience amazed and truly entertained.