Impressive ... Most Impressive

Impressive ... Most Impressive

Hey! Award me with little icon things and I'll put them here and be proud, okay?

Coming soon: Awards. This site will soon be giving out 3 awards. They are as follows:

The Yin-Yang Art Studios Award: This award will go to all sites containing a weird sence of humor. Your site could be the worst on the web but make me giggle and I will reward you with a little icon thing.

The Kakookie's Kaptives Award: Named after my television show this award will be given to sites displaying responsible film and/or television producing.

The Charlene Award:This is the highest honor I will bestowe. Only those sites that are truely worthy in my eyes (or if Charlene says, "Hey, this site isn't too bad.") will get it.

This brings you back to the Homepage that won all these awards (sad, huh?)
Hey, Geocities made this possible, thank them by creating a page with them too.
