Jokes From Other People #5

Jokes From Other People

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The jokes contained on this page do not reflect the views of the creator of The Jokes Homepage nor are they intended to degrade other people. They are merely jokes intended for entertainment not to bash blondes, lawyers, nor people of different race or gender. If you believe these jokes to be offensives, leave this site, do not email me complaining. I don't hate anyone or group of people mentioned in these jokes. I only posted these jokes as a collection for others who can take these jokes lightheartedly.

If you have any jokes, suggestions, or comments, then email me.

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What's a blonde say after having sex?
Are you guys all on the same team.

Submitted by: Scotty Carter

Yo mama is so fat, when she puts on her BVD's it spells boulevard!

Submitted by: Steve Vanden-Eykel

What's a blonds favorite nursery rhyme? Humpme Dumpme

Submitted by: Unknown

Yo mama is so skinny, when she turns around she disappears.
Yo mama is so stupid, she tried to drown a fish.
Yo mama is so tall, when she does a backflip she hits GOD in the mouth.

Submitted by: cool

Yo mama so fat, she fell over, broke her leg, and gravy poured out.

Submitted by: Josh

You might be a rednick if...
You see a sign that says, no cracks allowed, and you pull up your pants.

Submitted by: Troy Esquivel

You might be a redneck if you're the most valued customer at an ABC store.

Submitted by: Dylan R

Your mama is so fat, she got hit by a parked car.

Submitted by: Nick Reiter

Yo mama is so fat, the equater is her belt size.
What's green and wiggles around? Kermet the frog in a blender.
Why do blondes drive BMW's? Because that's the only thing they can spell.

Submitted by: Veronica

A blonde was in the very back of the pick up truck and they fell off a cliff into water. How did the blonde die?
She couldn't get the tailgate open in time!

Submitted by: Ashley

How do you drown a submarine full of blondes?
Knock on the door!!!!!

Submitted by: Unknown

Yo mama so nasty, when she farts it is declared a toxic hazarrd

Submitted by: Jason

Q. How does a blonde part her hair?
A. She does the splits.

Submitted by: Mike M.

Why do blondes wear TGIF on their shirts?
So they know that Tits Go In Front.

Submitted by: Unknown

How do you tell if a blonde is having a bad day?
If her tampon is behind her ear and she can't find her pencil.

Submitted by: Nichole Allan

What's the difference between a blonde and a rooster?
The rooster says cocka doodle doo, and the blonde says any cock will do.

Submitted by: Unknown

How does a blonde interperet 6.9?
Sixty-nine with a period in the middle.

Submitted by: Unknown

Did you hear about the blonde who shot an arrow into the air?
She missed.

Submitted by: Unknown

What does a blonde put behind her ears to attract men?
Her feet.

What do blondes and screen doors have in common?
The harder you slam them the looser they get.

Submitted by: TERESA NICHOLS

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