Redneck Jokes

Redneck Jokes

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The jokes contained on this page do not reflect the views of the creator of The Jokes Homepage nor are they intended to degrade other people. They are merely jokes intended for entertainment not to bash blondes, lawyers, nor people of different race or gender. If you believe these jokes to be offensives, leave this site, do not email me complaining. I don't hate anyone or group of people mentioned in these jokes. I only posted these jokes as a collection for others who can take these jokes lightheartedly.

You Might be a Redneck if...

you think the O.J. trial is the big Sunkist and Minutemaid taste test

more than one living relative is named after a Southern Civil War general

you think the stock market has a fence around it.

your boat has not left your driveway in 15 years

your family tree does not fork

your front porch collapses and kills a least three dogs

your coffee table used to be a telephone cable spool

your wife can climb a tree faster than your cat

you keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table

you've been arrested for loitering

you use a toilet seat as a picture frame

your home has more miles on it than your car

your Christmas tree is up year round

you own a homemade fur coat

the Home Shopping Channel operator recognizes your voice

you give your dad a gallon of Pepto-Bismol for his birthday

there is crime scene tape on your front door

you stand under mistletoe at Christmas and wait for Granny and cousin Sue-Ellen to walk by

you've been in a custody fight over a hunting dog

you consider a six-pack and a bug zapper high quaility entertainment

fewer than half your cars run

your favorite T-shirt is offensive in 14 states

taillight covers of your car made of tape

you think a subdivision is part of a math problem

a dog catcher calls for backup unit when he visits your house

flood history of the area can be seen on your living room walls

there is a gun rack on your bicycle

your wedding is held in a delivery room

you have at least one tattoo

you have barbecued Spam on the grill

you sit around waiting for a call from the governor to spare a loved one

you go to family reunion to pick up women

your nephew is also your younger brother

your grandmother has been kicked out of a bingo game

you can't remember the color of your shirt

none of your shirts cover to stomach

bikers back down from your mamma

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