You may think Peter is easy-going and laid-back. But the real Peter is sharp, shrewd, fun-loving, self-confident, logical, talented, critical, and has an original creative intelligence that can't be pushed and must operate on its own schedule. He can do anything if he wants to and if he's properly motivated. But he dislikes dull routine!
Peter's handwriting clearly shows why his schoolwork was so inconsistent, wavering from A's to F's and from winning math awards to flunking out at college. He has a creative brain, but he doesn't always use it. Maybe this is because he doesn't like to deal with anything he can't control.
Peter's the most complicated Monkee. Sometimes he wants people around. At other times he doesn't want to talk to or listen to anyone, and a girl's got to keep this in mind if she wants to get anywhere with him. But the right girl, who understands Peter's tempermental nature and his latent abilities, will be happy with him and make him happy.
The uneven shading of Peter's letters prove his musical ability and his concave t-bars and smile-shaped i-dots show a fab sense of humor. If he decides to play a practical joke on you - watch out! Butno matter how much he clowns around, he has a deep nature and he wants more out of life than financial success and fame.
Peter has the talent to get whatever he goes after, but he needs the right girl and the right friends to help him acheive his goals.