My Take on Music

This is where I let everyone know how I feel about certain groups, songs, or people in the music business. These are my own opinions, and I don't expect everyone to share them with me. So, don't get offended by my remarks, just take it in stride. (Gosh, I get so tired of all these disclaimers, don't you?)

Hanson: Anyone who knows me knows how I feel about Hanson. Sure, I'm a big fan, sure, you might even call me obsessed. But there is a reason that I like them, more than one, actually, and I'll tell you about it, if you're interested.

The first thing I liked about Hanson was the music, "MMMBop" in particular. Then I found out their ages, and that gave me a certain amount of respect for them, being so young and yet so successful. It was those two things alone that led me to buy "Middle of Nowhere," and things progressed from there. I actually did *not* like their hair at first, for a while, but decided that they were cute anyway. I have since come full circle, and I nearly went into mourning after what Tay and Ike had done to it.

I could go on for hours, but I'll spare you. I have only one more point to make - why I want to meet them. I want to meet them because I want to know them as people, not just as what the media tell me they are. I want to know them as fellow human beings, who just happen to be talented and beautiful. And that is also why I never want to really meet them - because I would meet them as a fan meeting celebrities, and I would never have a chance to really know *them*. In my head, I can construct scenerios where we become best friends; I would only ruin my fun if I actually met them and was treated as a regular fan. Still, if I was offered...I can't imagine I'd turn down the opportunity.

Backstreet Boys: Musically speaking, I can definitely tolerate BSB. I have the two albums, and I occasionally listen to them. I liked "Millenium" a lot better than the first one; it has a more sophisticated feel to it. Appearance-wise, they don't excite me that much, although Nick's okay looking, and I guess Brian's kinda cute. And they can dance, that's a plus. Overall, okay music, but not something I'd get obsessed about.

N Sync: I liked their first album a lot, I haven't heard their second yet. Unfortunately, they're *everywhere* now, and they kinda make me sick. It's not them, it's all the attention. I mean, sure, they can harmonize, and again, they can dance. But...that's about it. And yet you can't seem to go anywhere without hearing about them. It's enough to drive a person insane. Appearance-wise they rate slightly higher than the Backstreet Boys, but only because both Justin and Lance are highly tolerable.

N Sync + BSB: As evidenced above, I do not hate these groups. I have some gripes, but I still listen to the music. A bit too much, though - you cannot turn on the radio without hearing one of these groups. I usually end up hearing about 5 songs from one of the groups within an hour, and it's enough to turn my stomach. I mean, really, it's not bad music, but how much can I take? The only breaks I get are when they play Britney or Christina, and that's not any better. (We'll get to those further down on the page, don't worry.) So, basically, lay off the excessive publicity and air play, and some of us will be *much* happier.

(A final note: Sure, I wish Hanson were played on the radio, but I'd rather have them not played at all than overplayed to the extent that people start hating them with good cause.)

More Coming!!!
