You Know You're Obsessed With Hanson If...
I actually got this idea and some of the following list from
TWICM's Hanson Page, so I'd like to properly thank the owner of that page and everyone who contributed to it.
1. You buy all the Hanson CDs you can find. (Including the self released
ones, if you're lucky)
2. You know all the lyrics by heart.
3. You know every fact there is to know about Hanson. In fact, sometimes
you wonder if you know more about them than they do.
4. You buy every magazine you find with them in it.
5. You've listened to MON so many times that not only are they with you
in your dreams, they're thinking of you, they can't get a minute without
you, and they WILL come to you.
6. You've called your radio station so many times to request Hanson that the DJ recognizes your voice, and as soon as you say, "Hi," he asks you which it'll be: MMMBop or I Will Come To You.
7. You scream when you see them on TV.
8. You kiss them goodnight. (Well, so its only a poster...)
9. You play their CD before you sleep so maybe you'll dream about them.
10. If you do dream about them, you keep waking up screaming.
11. There are suspicious lipstick marks on the TV and computer moniters all over your house.
12. You surf the net to get more info on them.
13. You create your own web page about them.
14. You start wearing clothes like their's.
15. You go to Tulsa to look for their house.
16. You are searching for an Oklahoma white pages to find Hanson's phone
17. You learn how to rollerblade.
18. You sing their songs in the shower.
19. You have subscribed to more than two Hanson newsletters.
20. You know the order of all of their songs and how long they are.
21. You're reading this list.
22. All of your email has something to do with Hanson.
23. You've failed more than one test because you were daydreaming about them in class.
24. You've written their fan club more than five times.
25. You've spent over 50 dollars on them.
26. You've been to all of their performances.
27. You wish you could've.
28. You talk to your posters so often that you think you know them.
29. You have their names written all over your notebooks.
30. You're convincing your younger sibs to pick up instruments and learn how to sing.
31. Even your parents know their full names because you talk about them so much.
32. Your father gives his students the following quiz: "(I'm waiting for him to give me the exact wording)."
33. Your printer cartridge keeps running out because you print every good picture you find.
34. There is no such thing as life without Hanson
35. You're trying to legally change your name to Isaac, Taylor, or Zac.
36. You're trying to legally change your name to Madeline or Lucy.
37. You bought the singles even though you have MON.
38. You go insane if you are lucky enough to shake their hand.
39. You cry on national television and go, "We love you, Hanson. If you can see us we love you..."
40. You display a big sign at one of their concerts.
41. You have a baseball cap that you never take off, and you have a plastic sword you carry everywhere.
42. You REALLY want to know....where DID Johnny go?
43. Your non-Hanson CDs are getting dusty.
44. You name your Tamagotchi after your favorite Hanson. (Mine is called Jordan Taylor, and my sister has Madeline Lucy and Zoe Diana.)
45. You hate Emma but then start wearing your hair in little pigtails...
46. You've started talking to your friends only about Hanson. Half of them won't talk to you anymore, and the other half have become obsessed as well.
47. You watch something about Hanson every day, and you listen to each album at least once daily.
48. When you're bored you start writing their lyrics on a piece of scrap paper.
49. You're listening to one of their CDs right now.
50. You freak out when you get mail back from their fan club, even if it's a form letter.
51. You have memorized the address to every single webpage on them.
52. You bring your CDs everywhere you go. Who knows, maybe you'll see them somewhere and get an autograph.
53. You start to think you really DO know Hanson. (Where else did they get their inspiration for I Will Come To You?)
54. You go out and buy the same color toothbrush as your favorite Hanson.
55. You change your favorite color to red, blue, or green, and you won't wear anything else.
56. You start talking in Hanson quotes.
57. You have pictures of them that THEY don't even know they took.
58. You get depressed whenever you miss one of their appearances.
59. You'll only eat strawberry ice cream because that's Tay's favorite.
60. You start wearing five necklaces at a time.
61. When you need instant energy, you pull out your favorite picture of them.
62. You wrote and asked if they could come to your city.
63. You have memorized what you will say when you meet them.
64. You sent each of them 10,000 roses for their birthday.
65. You planted a seed in their honor, just to see if it would grow.
66. You've been trying to reach Mars on your brother's yellow walkie talkie.
67. You believe that you are the only girl in the world who loves Hanson.
68. You are lactose intolerant, but you started drinking three glasses a day when you saw their milk ad.
69. Your whole family knows the lyrics to every Hanson song you own.
70. You start jumping in swimming pools with your clothes on. (See a pic here.)
71. You watch all three Star Wars movies, just to see why they like them.
72. You apologize to your T-shirts when they get dirty or when you have to take them off to shower. (See number 18)
73. You still own every bag, receipt, and packaging to anything about Hanson that you've bought.
74. The cashiers at your local music store know you by sight and tell you if they have any new merchendise.
75. Your friend asks for MON on tape, and you can't get it for her without getting yourself a copy, even though you have it on CD.
76. You never come home from the mall without something Hanson.
77. You spend all your birthday money on them.
78. You insist that you and Taylor are secretly dating, but you can't let the press know.
79. Your email address has something to do with them.
80. You know about upcoming CDs before the people at the music store. (See number 74)
81. You got a rattail.
82. You're adding on to your garage so it can hold three cars.
83. You buy a tin soldier that's missing a leg and a ballerina to keep it company.
84. When MOE merchendise first came out, you figured out how much it would cost to get everything in one shipment, and started saving up.
85. You've checked online how much it would cost to fly one way to Tulsa.
86. You celebrate their birthdays by sending gifts and wearing things that remind you of them.
87. You're very upset that they haven't released a calendar for the year 2000.
88. You convince yourself that you like their haircuts, and cut your own to match. (I *do* like the hair, I *DO*!)
89. You go nuts when you get junk mail from Tulsa University. (It's actually kinda funny, on their brochure they have a quiz about Tulsa. One of the questions reads something like this: "Tulsa is located... a. in the middle of nowhere b...")
90. You had the new CD memorized before it was released.
Signs you are NOT obsessed with Hanson
1. You don't do any of the above list. (Yes, including #21.)
2. You have no clue what MON stands for. (Middle Of Nowhere, in case you're still wondering.)
3. You have never heard of MMMBop.
4. You thought they were girls.
E-mail me with any suggestions.
Updated December 7, 1999