Chatter in the Cafe: Lunchroom gossip.(n.)
Elsewhere to be: Another place to be, far away.(n.)
Evita-Like: Self-centered, Madonna-like.(adj.)
Exorcist Twist: Full 180 degree turn of the head by the praying mantis teacher and Linda Blair.(n.)
Free: Free period, Study hall.(n.)
Gene & Roger: Non asked for critisim.(n.)
Helen Keller: Unobservant person. ("My eyes are hazel Helen Keller")(n.)
Lose (ones) Water: To freak out.(v.)
One-Starbucks Town: Uneventful subburbs.(n.)
Salty Goodness: Eye candy, (a studly, cute guy) (n.)
Scully: An explantation of paranormal activity with a rational reason; homage to Dana "The X-Files" Scully ("I can't believe you of all people are trying to Scully me") (v.)
Keyser Sozed: Tricked into believing in a non-existent villian by the actual bad guy; as in the movie "The Usual Suspects" ("Does anyone else feel like they've been Keyser Sozed?") (adj.)
Uber Suck: Major bummer. (n.)
Vague That Up: Make something foggy even more understandable. ("Could you vague that up for me?") (v.)
The Wacky: Crazy things you'll do for love. ("Love makes you do the wacky!") (n.)
The Wig: The creeps (also the wiggins) (n.)
Yester: Over, history, totally in the past. ("Forget about our fight it's totally yester.") (n.)
Take A Pill: Realx, calm down. (Will you take a pill?") (n.)